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As each day passed and we attended school together, the student body and city moved closer to discovering our family secrets. My attempts, along with Mark and Bryce, to hack Max's page and remove the video failed miserably, thanks to my brilliant yet brainwashed brother. All eyes were on us in the hallways, making it increasingly impossible to remain unnoticed.

Madison, Easton, and Dylan had now joined our group, thanks to their knowledge of our powers spreading via the video on the internet. Claire and Shawn remained oblivious to our abilities and curse, mainly because James was itching to reveal everything to his girlfriend. Sarah had also become part of our group, settling into the new school and making new friends. I helped her while stealing glances at her. I didn't think I had a crush that intense, but my infatuation with Sarah was a bloody disaster.

Amid it all, my parents transferred my brothers, whom I nicknamed the "lost boys," from our rival school to ours as they figured out their co-parenting arrangement. It was more likely that my parents were falling in love again, which I found rather distasteful.

Claire and James grew closer, especially after they had sex for the first time, while Shawn stuck with Bryce, Mark, and me.

Thanksgiving was only a few days away, and our big family gathering was on everyone's minds. Henry and our cousins, Dexter, Bryce, Kyra, Thomas, Sebastian, Claire, Shawn, Mark, and my mother and brothers, would all be under one roof. I couldn't wait to witness the chaos unfold like a family feud game.

"Holy fuck," Bryce cursed, his eyes fixed on the public bulletin board in the hallway. James, Mark, Shawn, and I crowded around him, staring at our names scratched in black ink. It was likely Sebastian's doing.

"We made the fucking team," Shawn patted my shoulder blades, jumping up and down. It was a miracle that we made the football team, displacing most of the previous players and leaving Sebastian furious.

My gaze shifted to James's name at the top: Quarterback. The lucky bastard snagged the most significant position in the game. Son of a bitch.

And what did I get? A half-assed running back position. I was stuck being half of a running back. It didn't sound great, but it was something.

Max's name was up there, too: Full running back. James was in trouble. That bloody bastard would have to stand directly behind Max.

Sebastian sauntered with Max and the other football players, glaring at James before throwing a football at his thigh. Mark stepped in front of James, creating a barrier. James clenched his fists, his jaw muscles tightening and clicking.

"What the fuck, Sebastian?" Mark confronted him. Sebastian growled almost provoking a fight that would pin him to the floor within seconds if we hadn't restrained ourselves.

Mark shifted stances, ready to confront Sebastian, but Bryce grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "It's not worth it," Bryce told him.

Sebastian and his friends chuckled. "We'll see you freaks on the field. And as for you, dog boy, I'd watch your fucking back," Sebastian sneered at James. They barked like a pack of dogs before walking away.

"What a bunch of dicks," Sarah roared. I had forgotten the others were there. Sarah cracked her knuckles and flipped them off as they left. I grabbed her, pulling her against my chest as she squirmed in my arms.

"Shut up, Ginger spice," David, one jock, hollered, trailing behind Sebastian. Sarah nearly lost her temper, and I almost let her slip from my arms as I restrained her.

"Alright, true grit. Calm down before you break a nail or something."

"Her name was Mattie Ross," Sarah retorted. She wriggled in my arms, attempting to break free. "You're hurting me, Hercules," she growled through sharp breaths.

Realizing my grip could unintentionally harm her, I released her from my firm hold. "I'm sorry," I apologized. She spun around, her deep blue eyes locking onto my brown ones.

"It's okay," she assured me. "I'll have to get even with you later," she added, eager to play along and level the playing field.

"Are you, uh, flirting with me?" I asked, nervously running my fingers through my curly hair. Her hands pressed against my chest, gripping my shirt tightly.

"Maybe," she whispered in a smooth, seductive voice. She was flirting with me. I raised an eyebrow playfully.

Game on.

"Oooh, you like her, Noah," Bryce's voice echoed in my mind. Our eyes met, and he winked at me.

"I do not," I growled aloud.

"You do, too," he playfully jabbed at me mentally.

"Noah, you, uh..." Mark didn't need to finish his sentence. He instinctively glanced at my brother, curious about his reaction.

"I know," I snapped at him.

Sarah chuckled, observing the exchange with a raised eyebrow. "Are you okay?" Her gaze locked onto mine.

"I'm perfect. Get off my back," I snapped at Sarah before walking away.

"He's moody sometimes," Bryce shrugged at her. I turned back to face him.

"Shut up, Bryce," I growled, frustration seeping through as I paced back and I flipped him off.

"So, what's everyone doing after school?" James inquired, addressing the group.

"I don't know. What are you planning to do?" Shawn redirected the question to James.

"I don't know," James shrugged.

"How about the mall?" Bryce suggested.

I shoved Bryce into Mark who instinctively smacked me without batting an eye. "That sounds boring. Then again, you are the tedious twin," I remarked.

Bryce rolled his eyes. "Don't be a dick, Noah," he growled. Then Claire cleared her throat.

"How about we go to my uncle's new restaurant?" Claire suggested.

"Is it vegetarian?" Sarah asked.

Claire shook her head. "No, but it has some options."

"Oooh, strike one," Bryce's voice chimed in my mind.

"Shut up, Bryce," I grumbled back at him mentally.

"I'm out," Sarah declared.

"Me too," Dylan said. "Easton, Madison, and I must help our father with something."

"How fun," I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

"Us too," Wesley chimed in.

"That leaves the rest of us," I stated. Bryce nodded, waiting for others to respond.

"We'll walk there around three o'clock," James proposed.

"Sure," Claire agreed, smiling as she clung to James's arm.

"I'm down," Mark chimed in.

"Sounds great," Shawn added. "It's been a while since we saw Uncle Martine, anyway."

Claire nestled into James's side this time, burying her face in his hoodie sleeve. "Thanks, babe," she murmured.

James held her tighter against his body. "Anything for you," he replied. Bleh, get a room.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now