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Claire, Noah, Shawn, and Bryce sat beside me, holding an ice pack against my forehead. Although I wasn't in pain, I pretended to be. At least in front of Shawn and Claire.

"What in the world, Knight?" Noah bellowed. "You had me worried there."

I shrugged. "I felt lightheaded for a moment and just collapsed," I glanced at Claire and Shawn and leaned against the wall. "Feels like déjà vu." Sebastian appeared at the doorway, wearing a smirk and accompanied by his jock friends.

"Hey, idiots," he taunted. He eyed Noah up and down, then turned to Bryce. In the background, Mark paused and observed.

"Did you learn how to clone yourself or something?" Sebastian sneered, looking displeased.

Claire groaned. "Ugh, shut up, Sebastian. He's your cousin." Sebastian raised his hand to hit Claire, but we all shielded her.

"Back off, dude, or else. Don't touch my sister," Shawn warned him. Sebastian backed down.

"That weirdo..." Sebastian pointed between Noah and Bryce. "Is not my cousin." He turned to Bryce and pointed at Noah. "Is he just like you?"

Shawn chuckled. "That's his twin, idiot."

Sebastian glared at Shawn. "I didn't ask you, Gardner," Sebastian said, then looked at Bryce again and pointed at me. "Him too?"

Bryce nodded. "Yeah." Noah and I pieced together the confusing situation. In the background, Mark looked stunned yet disheartened as he walked away.

"I should have known. Freaks like you come in large families," I remarked, spotting Mark in the distance. He avoided eye contact and walked away.

The nurse, Gloria Lynne, a petite figure balancing instant ice packs in her arms, entered from behind and noticed Sebastian. She opened a drawer and tossed in the ice packs. "Hey, Sebastian. Do you need something?"

Sebastian wiped his lips with his sleeve. "I was just leaving." Sebastian gave one last glance to Bryce and departed with his friends. Madison, Dylan, and Easton turned the corner, standing in the doorway.

"You good, James? Do you need us to call our dad or something?" Easton asked with a hint of panic. Their eyes fell on Bryce and Noah, who were on either side of me.

"Hey, Bryce," Madison said awkwardly, momentarily confused. Bryce waved his fingers in her direction.

"Sup, Mads," he smiled. An awkward silence followed until Noah cleared his throat.

"What a lovely family reunion," he grinned widely, wrapping his arms around my neck. I felt the urge to push him away but refrained.

"Yeah, I guess it is," I replied. Dylan added, "I guess so." Noah and Shawn clapped hands, and Shawn left, followed by Claire. Noah, Bryce, and I departed with Madison, Dylan, and Easton, heading to our next class.



James, Bryce, and I walked through the door and found Sam, Derek, and Grace in the living room. All attention shifted to the foyer. "You've got to be kidding me. Noah has a twin?" Derek exclaimed incredulously.

Grace grinned at Derek, then at Bryce. "Yup. Double the trouble, twice the fun," she quipped. Bryce groaned, entered the house, and shut the door.

"Shut up, Grace," Bryce snapped. James slumped into a chair, studying Bryce. He seemed to figure out the situation and glared at me.

"He even sounds like you," Derek remarked, now focused on Bryce. Bryce crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"He's my twin. You know what a twin is, right?" I said sarcastically to Derek.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now