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A high top flew across the room, slamming into my face, and flopped to the floor beside me. My eyes fluttered open, and I tried to focus on who threw the shoe, thinking it was probably Sebastian, but my eyes landed on Noah with his signature grin, and his hoodie flipped over his head.

"What the fuck, Noah?" I snarled, wiping my cheeks with a deep groan. "What are you doing here in my house?"

Noah grinned wide and cocky. It irritated me. "Tu casa es mi casa, mate." He said, leaning against the wall. In the opposite corner, James groaned, and my eyes dragged to him.

"I still can't get over the fact he speaks fluent Spanish." He shrugged, his hoodie tossed over his head as well. I grunted, pulling a pillow over my face.

"Get the fuck out of my house," I muttered to the two of them—specifically Noah.

"No, can do, bro, " Noah slapped my toes. "You're stuck with us on this beautiful hump day." I hurled the pillow at Noah and sat up fast, in a dizzying haze. Noah dodged the cushion as expected.

"First, never say hump day again. Second, my father has the day off, and if he sees you with me, Noah, we'll have to explain everything to him." I lazily rubbed my eyes and grimaced when I saw Noah chuckle.

"You mean Dex? Yeah, I may or may not have pretended to be you?" My brother was such a cocky dick. "Seriously though, when will you tell him about me?" He smiled brighter, faking my American accent like someone flicked a switch.

I deflated against the pillows. James stood in the background with a poker face, observing the two of us.

"Son of a bitch, Noah, " I roared. Noah puffed air while James wandered out of the room.

"Sam wants to see you after school, " he said. I rolled my eyes and pulled from the sheets.

"Because Dad was so excited to see me when he first met me." Noah raised an eyebrow.

"James and I will wait outside," Noah walked to the doorway. Whatever, dude.

"My dad and my life are here," I growled in a pity party.

"You know what? You're right, but you better hurry if you're coming with us, which you are." Noah slammed the door, and I slipped off my T-shirt, nearly ripping the fabric out of hostility. Geez. Who knew having a twin was so annoying?



James opened his locker next to mine and pulled out his books. Claire and Shawn walked up on either side of James and Noah, smiling.

"Hey Bryce, Noah." Claire sounded chipper that morning. She scrunched her nose excitedly, eyes flickering to James, and melted against her locker.

"Hello to the girl whose name I sadly don't remember." Noah scoffed. Claire laughed nervously and smiled brighter.

"It's okay. I'm Claire." She reintroduced herself to my disgruntled twin before tapping her fist into James's biceps.

"Hey, James." She spoke. James looked up at her, smiling, and shut his locker.

"Hey, Claire."

Mark walked by, briefly locking his eyes with mine before landing on James. My heart thundered in my chest, and I tried to keep my composure. James grunted profoundly and looked away.

"Who's that?" Shawn asked.

"Someone you don't need to know about, " James growled. Shawn raised his hands in the air to surrender.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now