19 : Unspoken

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I checked my boys' schedules and mine.. I was able to successfully squeeze everything so I can visit Copter in their building from time to time, and at the same time attend meetings with the production team..

This was a whole new working environment, I never expected to work with them in a million years and to think this was all because of their interest to Ter. His interest to Copter.

I checked my phone and he sent me a message that he's on his way to attend their workshop.. He's really early.. This was part of our agreement, I will let my boy be with them if I'll be informed of everything before they decide or even plan..

So far, everything was working well.. Some fans understand and are considerate of the situation where Cop can't join for the time being although, we all knew they won't be expecting of this new couple..


I was about to ride my car when Kimmon suddenly approached me. Since he came in the office for the photoshoot, I already knew he's eager to talk to me.

"It's late.. What's wrong?"

He glanced around and weakly started..

"Can I talk to Cop?"

"What do you mean? You can talk to him anytime.. Or even send him a message without asking me."

He lowered his head trying to hide the uneasiness in his eyes..

"He doesn't seem to be interested talking to me.."

"He has a different schedule.. He's rejecting invitations.. But it doesn't mean he's not willing to listen if you needed him.."

He raised his face showing a glint of a foreign feeling for me from him.. So I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding what he's trying to say..


"Yeah.. If you need to ask for help, I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to lend a hand.."

Kimmon looked away..

I stepped forward trying to channel my thoughts to him.. He's acting differently, and his thoughts seemed so far away..

"What's happening Kimmon?? Tell me.."

A lonely smile mirrored in his face with the words.

"I needed him."

"You needed him."

"I need to talk to Ter.."

"What's stopping you?"

"His feelings.. I'm worried what if he doesn't like to see me.. What if we're not as important as we thought.. What if he's just being compelled by guilt.. What if--"

"What stopping you is not his feelings.. It is yours Kimmon.. It's your feelings bringing you to me instead of directly telling him what you feel.."



"This situation is difficult Phi.. This is hard.. T-Too many things to risk.. Too many things to consider.. Too many things I don't know if I can manage.."

His tears threatened to fall. This man crying over the feelings he can't express..

"I'm not sure if you're telling me this to ask for help, or permission.. But from what I am hearing, you wanted to listen for an advice, right?"

Kim darted his strong gaze to me.

"Don't come to him confuse of what you feel. Know what your heart truly desires and wishes to happen.. If you care for him.. you won't want to burden his heart by wandering.."

This might not be the wisest words he'll hear but, this is the only way I can save both from a harder pain. I reached for his cheek to wipe the tears who left his eyes..

"Stop keeping him in the dark Kimmon.."


The stories are not abandoned.. 🥺🥺🥺 Just too many things at hand.

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