11 : Escaping

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"As part of the workshop~ I want you to face your partner.."

"Excuseeee mee!!"

"Yes Junior?"

"If it's about with partner.. Why am I not paired with my couple?"

"Huh? You picked your partners earlier.."

"Coaach~ Can you please allow me to pair up with my partner instead? It will help us be a lot more comfortable sooner, right?"

"Oh.. Uhm.. Yeah~ I mean, it's fine if your partner and his partner were okay to be paired.."

"They surely will.."

I stood up and made long strides to his position, for some reason, I don't know why he's in the corner..

"Excuse me~"

I said as I gestured to exchange with his current partner..


Palm rolled her eyes as she moved away in front of Copter..


But the coach kept eyeing me though..

"Alright! Settle down now.. For today's activity, the rule is simple.. I want you to do everything that I will say.. That should be as normal as breathing~ So.. Let's start! First, hold your partner's hands.. I want you to observe their features.. eyes, nose, lips.."

She looked around us, I guess that's the signal to start.. I initiated to grab his hands, it's so soft.. and very pale.. Compared to mine, his hands are smaller but very warm in my skin..

I followed the instructions, first was his playful and silky hair.. then his, eyes.. I always knew they're mesmerizing and stunning.. but, will still left me astounded everytime.. his nose, it always fits his handsome and pretty visuals.. and my favorite, his lips.. so tempting.. so smooth..


My heart pounded so loud..

"Everyone!! Now, eye their neck.. then their shoulders.. now to their chest."

My eyes ran, from his flawless neck, to his delicate collarbones and--

"Tell your partner something about yourself."


"I'm grumpy."

He started..

Well, if anything will do..

"I'm interested to someone."


He suddenly looked around.. as if hushing me..

"Oh.. That doesn't count? It's something about myself.."

He leaned..

"I mean.. is that fine to mention? It might start a rumor to you.."

"Yes.. It is.."

"Okay! Now.."

We turned our attention back to our coach.

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