20 : Uninvited

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Junior's POV

I noticed how everyone darted their eyes on me.. and how the mood was tossed to drain. but, I'm not willing to step back so I took Bas' seat.. I heard his grumblings, he didn't put any effort to not make me feel unwelcomed.. and it's fine..

I understand them, but I can't let the night pass without being with Copter. I sent him to their office this morning but my mind was wandering a lot without him.

"Ter.. I already checked our next schedule, want to hangout after?"


"I found a nearby Cat Cafe.."

A smile flashing his dimples immediately invaded my eyes..


Does he even know how gorgeous he is tonight?? Though it's so regretful he can't come tonight as my date, and together as a couple.. But.. I badly wish everyone to know how mesmerizing my pair is..

The same person who owns my heart since day one.

"...are you okay? Are you even listening?"

"A-Ah? What's that again?"

"I said-- Geez.. nevermind.."


"Ter~ what's that?~"

"No.. I won't repeat it.."


"Stop whining like a kid.."

I turned to the other side. Bas was glaring at me giving off more hateful eyes than his words.

"I'm aware you don't like me."

"I don't. We don't."

"I know.."

I knew I'm ridiculous for having this kind of conversation with a kid but turning back is not an option.


"Why are you all so serious?? Let's just enjoy this night.."

Ter must be worried.. but, I saw what happened earlier.. While everyone's rejecting and refusing to take Copter's pictures, these asses are all busy posing for their own face. I even almost walk to get him, but P'Oh stopped me with his words, "Ter is not ready for this yet.."


Is it wrong to have a wishful thinking of introducing you to those shits as my heroine?

But in the end, you chose them. You chose your friends, and shouldered this hate alone..

"Are you beautiful boys having a great time here??"

One of the event sponsors approached the table..

"Supposedly, but unfortunately.."

Tee started as everyone turned their heads to me, and I responded with an exaggerated shrug.

"Speaking of~ why is our Junior here?"

News came out that Cop signed a special contract with our company for an upcoming series, but a lot didn't know I am his couple.. and.. we were supposed to reveal that tonight by going together..

This sponsor even knew that but pretended to be blind just to tease me.

"Phi~ already missing me? But of course I have to stay where my heart is."


Bas added.. That's a fun sound effect coming from our live audience.

"Fine! Fine! Too cheesy for this elegant evening.. but, if you want to, I can give you two a room.."

He glanced at Ter and smirked to me suggestively that made Cop blush.. Shit! He's so beautiful!

"Hey~ Hey~ Timeout! Timeout!"

Yeah.. Cop was glowing with his flushing red face, but, what's with everyone's gun pointing at me???

Everyone was intimidating, except Tae.. Because, intimidating is a damn word not enough to describe how bloody hell terrifying he is..

He's ready to snap my neck.

"Fine~ Tap me whenever you need one.. In case of emergency honey~"

He just giggled and sent everyone a farewell before he left..

He knows I'll be dead.

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