7 : Meeting

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"It's good to finally meet you Copter.."

We were scheduled today to visit **** Company.. I'm honestly nervous since, I really don't have any idea what they're up to..

"It's my pleasure Sir.."

"Sit down.. Relax.. I expect Oh that Copter is already aware of this special contract."

"Yes, I already explained and discussed the points of our agreement. So, now we can proceed to its terms, shall we?"

"Oh.. That's great to hear.. but before that, is it okay for everyone to hold up a little more? Our boy is still on work, but he's really insisting and begging to come here though very unnecessary.."

"What do you mean?"

Mr. Ji offered me with a warm and cozy smile..

"He wanted to see you as soon as you step inside this building Copter since, you both never had the chance to meet again.."


"I'm here!"

A very tall guy, oozing with manly vibe and his good looks, entered the room almost banging the door.. He was huffing and sweating as if he ran a marathon..

"I already told you not to run in the office!!"

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry everyo-- Oh.. Copter.. I'm sorry for making you wait. I.. I just really want to see you now.. but my schedule.. is kinda.."


"Ahem.. Since you're here.. Let's start.."

Wait~ Did we meet before??


The meeting took time.. but, geez~ I can't even focus properly since he's been staring the whole time..

"Jun, we need to hurry now.."

"J-Just give me a minute Phi~"

He pleaded as his manager resigned and left us.. I'm still waiting for P'Oh since he has to greet someone before leaving and, this giant wanted me to send him to the parking..

"Oh.. uhm. Hi Copter~"


"I'm excited to start working with you~"

We can't get to talk together earlier, but he's really weird..

"Me too.."


"So son, what do you think of the terms."

"I think it's fair. Since they will shoulder everything.."

"You're fine working with Junior now?"

"I'm fine with whatever as long as I can avoid issues that had to deal with my groupmates."

"I don't think the fans will accept this easily.."

"But a lot wanted us to be on our own ways.. I guess it's what's best."

"I don't think words and reactions from everyone will be that nice.. Are you sure you're prepared?"

"I know Phi.. They never do so, they never say anything nice.. so it doesn't make much difference. Phi.. being away with them will probably stop the rumors that I'm taking their spotlight or making P'Kim uncomfortable.. or even using Bas.. at least, if there will be words, it will be just about me, a bad nong abandoning his couple for other opportunity.."

"You know that's not just into it."

"It's fine Phi.. I'm just afraid that it will affect Junior too or the project."

"They assure us that their management will take responsibility since it's them who pursued this. I don't even have any idea why they are so persistent to the point that most of the terms were under our advantages.."

"That means I have to work harder, right?"

"You've always been working hard Ter.."

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