8 : Creeping

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Days have been hectic. Copter will join us for brand promotion, and leave right after. Slowly, the sometimes meeting him, became almost not..

"Kim.. this will be your upcoming schedule for the next month.."

I frowned when I noticed some changes..

"Wait.. Is this a joke? There's a lot of KimBas and KimTee events.."

"We both know no one's joking Kimmon.."

"Where's Cop? We'll only meet during pictorials? Or group interviews?"

"That's correct.."

"Let me see his schedule.."


"Come on.. Give it to me.."

"He has a different schedule.. It's also packed.."

"I'm not asking that.."


"Oh come on!"


She smacked her copy to my head and I immediately grabbed it..


I noticed that there's.. Workshop.. Script reading.. Charact--

"Does he hate us up to this point avoiding all our supposed to be engagements?"

"It's not that.. P'Oh will explain everything since I guess they are still testing the water. Once it's settled, he'll surely let you know."

"I don't know how long I can stay patient.."






"I've been waiting for you.. We can sit together.."

"Oh.. Yeah.. Sure."



"I'll try my best.. Just please don't regret accepting the offer.."

"Eh?.. What are you talking about?"

"I'll take responsibility of you."

"What am I? A knocked up teenager?"

"You are, or not, I'll take responsibility of you."

"Ew.. Too cheesy.."


We chuckled together.. Well, I guess he's not that bad.. I felt guilty thinking of him being a creep..

Suddenly, he leaned and whispered..

"Please, rely on me.."

I hope..

Should I take my words back??

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