15 : Calling

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I came to the office and..

"Good morning P'Kim.."

I planned to be early to give my mind some time to wander but.. he's already here..

"Morning Ter.."

He's busy with his phone and greets everyone coming to the office.. While me.. I ended up in a corner and silent..

Tae, Tee and Bas showed the same expression when they came, startled by his welcoming gesture and smile.. but the whole time, he's on his phone.

"It's good to see everyone here now.. So boys, we received an invitation for Twin Stars Awards.."

P'Oh gave me a look as if he's trying to decide on something..

I frowned and he just smiled, then turned his attention to Copter..

"Cop.. you actually received a different invitation with Junior.."

I felt a kick in my heart..

And silence engulfed the room..

"What do you mean Phi?"

"They sent an invitation for SBFIVE and, Jun also received one along with your name.."

I tried to stop myself from turning to Ter.. I'm afraid to see his expression..

"So Cop, would you like to go as an SBFIVE member--"

P'Oh again.. gave me a kind stare..

"--or as Junior's date?"


This pain..

This pain is fucking terrible..

I bit my lip.. Trying to stop the urge to tell him to go with us.. To choose us..

But I felt helpless..

I can't just force him or whine like before.

Because before..

A tap in my shoulder from Tae woke me from my daze.. He then gave me an encouraging smile to let me know that he understood my dilemma.. and honestly, I appreciate that..

"P'Cop.. let's go.."

Bas gave voice to our unheard prayer.. Copter smiled and,

"P'Oh.. about that.. I--"



"I miss assisting SBFIVE's beauty as five.."

I heard P'Tong commented as he helped us prepare for tonight's event, Ter just gave him a shy smile with the understanding of what he meant..

"You miss my beauty?"

"Who would not miss this little munchkin.."

He pinched Cop's cheeks and peal of laughter echoed from them..

"Don't stare too much Tee, Cop will melt.."

I elbowed P'Tae for his lousy remarks..

"I just miss him.."

"We miss him too.."

P'Tae warmly answered with a soft pat in my head.. and yes, we really miss him..

*Ping *Ping

This phone has been receiving notifications since earlier, I reached for it and realized it's Copter's phone..


*Bzz *Bzz

Incoming Call


Though Cop started to greet us, we're still hesitant to start a conversation.. I'm afraid to pressure him, but I still tried to offer some help or anything but he's the same, he keeps rejecting us.

*Bzz *Bzz

I turned to Ter..

"Ter, someone's calling.."

He immediately stood up and open his palm to me.. I lend it to him..

"Thanks Phi.."

He offered a smile and gestured to P'Tong that he has to take the call while leaving..

"Tee? Who is it?"


"He can take the call here.."

"I think, I read it as Ronnakorn?"

P'Tong turned quiet with his eyes left wide..

"Why Phi?"

"N-Nothing.. I just remember someone.."

I heard him giggled..

"Baby Bas~ you're next~ your P'Cop will surely take some time.."


What does he mean?

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