17 : Hug

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Tonight was Twin Stars Awards.. This annual event with our stuffy suit was really more like a gathering to brag each company assets, gain connections, and promote certain individuals..

"Boys, let's take a photo first before going to the event.."

We nodded and made our way to grab some pictures together, but my most favorite part of the day.. it was the fact that in this event, we are together as five..

We did photoshoots for the past few weeks, but today, we will show publicly again as SBFive.. Our Ter even also took pictures with us for our own accounts, and definitely, excitement was visible to each one of us especially Kimmon who seemed having a hard time for the past month..

*Bzz *Bzz

"Excuse me.."

Ter keeps receiving a call from time to time, especially whenever we are available..

Is it, him?

He's been sending and picking up Cop since we started having schedules together..


"What's up??"

"Our Cop.."

"I know.."

Tee has been whining about it but, Ter is still rejecting our calls or invitations..

"Can you try again?"

"You told us it's better not to pressure him but you're the one pressuring us.."

"I can't help it.."

I rolled my eyes..

"You're worried about that Junior, right?"

Tee flinched.. He's obvious..

"You think it's true Phi? You think Ter will be fine?"

"I really can't say anything Tee.."

"Shit! At least lie Phi!.."

He stomped his feet and walked away.. That kid! After all, he just wanted me to lie to him?


I turned and..

"Ooh.. Ter.. What's wrong?"

What's wrong with me?

"Can we talk? I guess, we still have time while waiting for the car.."

*Bzz *Bzz

He pulled out his phone and stared at the screen..

"Your phone is ringing.. Are you not going to answer it?"

Cop was frozen for a second as if he's trying to think things thoroughly..

"We can talk whenever you--"

"Let's talk now Phi.."

He slid the Reject icon and turned off his phone..

"Please.. Let's talk.."

He whispered and I nodded.. Copter then looked around and gestured for me to follow..

"Ter.. What is it about?"

"I don't know how to say this but.. I.. really want to say sorry Phi.."

I frowned when I noticed his clear eyes starting to shimmer in tears..

"Ter.. What happened? What's wrong?"

Fuck! I'm not Tee or Bas..

How do they do this?

"I'm afraid people will hate seeing us tonight, so I want to apologize.. *sniff.. I might cause trouble again Phi.. *sniff.. I might.. Maybe I should have come with Jun inst--"


I pulled him for a hug..

"Can't you see how your P'Tee is beaming tonight? How N'Bas won't let you go? How Kimmon is running his mouth non-stop doing all talk again about us?"


"Nong.. I'm also very excited today.. You can't imagine how happy we are when you decided to show up tonight as SBFive and not as Junior's couple.."

"But.. P'Tae.. I'm afraid.."

Cop scooted closer and hugged me tighter..

Geez.. Our kid..

"We are more afraid seeing you forgetting about us day by day.."


It's Wednesday! And GenY Day!!

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