22 : Question

70 7 2

Bas' POV

"Have you seen Junior's interview?"

I saw P'Kim in a daze and decided to sit close to him bringing his coffee..


In all honesty, I hate Junior.

"I think you should see it yourself.. It's all over twitter and instagram.. news media outlets made an uproar about it too.."

Phi's eyes suddenly drawn with confusion..

"What are you talking about? What does it has to do with me?"

"It's about P'Cop.."

"Cop--What about him? Where is he?"

He frantically asked.. well.. My Phi is so transparent.. I saw how his empty eyes were now clouded with anxiousness.


Since Phi got the offer from that company, P'Kim became restless. He's constantly asking about him.. Checking his schedule even if it's not necessary.. Or whenever P'Cop is around, he'll frequently drop by to see if he's comfortable or have eaten.

And like now.. He's always in a trance as if his mind keeps wandering


"Phi.. I think.. You should.."


"You should stop dragging people and feelings.. You need to choose now."

"What do you mean dragging?"

"Junior is courting P'Cop.. He's been picking him up and sending him home.. taking him to meals.. giving him gifts.. and--"

He got astounded. His face says it all.

"You didn't know? P'Cop being in their company is because of Junior.. the project together.. and being his new couple.."

Phi has been confusing me a lot. And now I'm not even sure why I'm telling him this.

"It seems like.. that Junior is determined to have Phi.."

But.. Seeing P'Kim, I'm at lost of what I expect to get from him.

"I don't like him. I hate his guts. I hate how he's slowly taking P'Cop.."

What do I want to happen?

"Phi, if you're sincere to P'Cop.. it should have been you doing those things for him. Not someone else.. Not some stranger.."

"Bas.. But--"

"Without hesitance.. without holding back!"

Tho I'm starting to question, is it the right thing to do?


Glitches is not funny.

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