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I tried.

I tried to reach out to you.

I tried to set you on the right part .

I tried to correct and overlook your mistakes.

I tried all I could to keep the love as fresh as the spring waters.

I trusted you even though I know I shouldn't.

I choose to believe all your lies so we could live in peace.

I never questioned your choices and only provided advise when it's necessary.

I opened my heart to you and accepted you wholly with all your flaws.

I thought friendship was all about accepting both the good and bad traits of your friend.

But I was wrong.

You stabbed me right in the middle of my heart with your words that are as sharp as a dagger.

Without guilt or remorse you looked into my pained eyes and continued striking me over and over again.

I guess I never meant anything to you.

I was just someone you used to patch up your problems and dispose of the moment it's done.

Friendship? I call it hatred and slavery.

With a painful heart I set myself free.

I free myself of the chains and strings I used to tie myself up in that mess called friendship.

                         ©️Mary Samuel

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