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"Hold on. Was that Chaz back there?" Lani asked with furrowed eyebrows as Mila and I looked at each other and Angel nodded her head.

"I think so, I was looking too."

"Wait. Chaz Chaz from high school?" I asked with knitted eyebrows and Angel nodded.

"Yes, the one that used to be with Abir all the time."

"Oop." Mila scoffed, shaking her head.

"And you said Abir agreed, GG?" She looked at me with knowing eyes but I quickly shook off the thought of him lying to me.

He told me he was done with drugs and gang relations and I believed him. I wasn't letting anyone get into my head this time.

I'd did enough of that over the summer.

"Right. You know Chaz is a bad influence. He's always been." Lani added as we walked into the store.

"And when those two are together?" She trailed off.

"And didn't he almost get locked up a few years ago for killing his girlfriend or something?"

"Right!" Angel exclaimed, looking at her.

"Then he disappeared and nobody knew where he was." They went on saying and I was confused because I had no idea what they were talking about.

I'd must've left the city before all of this went down.

"Yeah. What was the girl name again?" Lani asked and they all thought about it for a second.

"Tweety." They then all spoke in unison while I stood there stuck, thinking about things now that I really should've considered before.

Abir wouldn't lie to me. I thought to myself. He wouldn't lie to my face like this. Not now.

Especially not about something important like this.

"Hmph." Was all they said as they began grab snacks and things out of the store while I stood there, leaned up against the counter.

My mind had began to run negatively again, putting me right back into the space I didn't want to be in. The same space I was in this morning.

"Hey, GG." A girl I knew from high school spoke, breaking me away from my thoughts as she came walking into the store and I smiled small, waving.

"Hey." I spoke back as she placed her hands on my small stomach.

"How's the little baby?" She asked and I smiled small.

"She or he is fine." I went on telling her as she cooed at my belly.

"That's good, sis." She then said to me with a smile before she began grabbing snacks and things as well.

Still standing up against the counter now, I patiently waited for my cousins, looking down at all of the water ices inside of the feeezer. Pouting since I knew I couldn't have any.

While I did, the store was pretty quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the Caribbean music playing from the loud speaker and the small bell that chimed every time someone entered the store.

Jingling loudly now, the bell chimed as a bunch of the guys that were just on my block, came rushing into the store.

"Aye, pop! Let me get a bacon, egg and cheese on potato bread." One of the guys spoke loudly as they began to crowd the store.

Thankfully, Lani, Mila and Angel all came to the front with snacks in there hands when they did. The store was loud now and way too closed in for my liking.

As my cousins paid for their stuff, I saw Chaz, the guy that we were just talking about, walk into the store as well with Tone and Kann.

"What's up, GG?!" He spoke loudly to me and I smiled a tight smile.

"Hi." I spoke dismissively.

I'd never been a fan of Chaz, as said before him and Abir were a deadly mix. I always felt like he was a bad influence and brought the very worst out of Abir. Plus after hearing what my cousins said about him, I knew that him being back after "disappearing" could be for nothing good.

"Damn, I ain't see you in a while."

"How you? I see you pregnant with my nigga Bir baby and shit." He went asking, looking me up and down and I told him fine, dismissing him all together.

He must've gotten the drift because he finally got out of my face as Tone and Kann watched him closely before they all began grabbing things.

When they did, I watched as Chaz sneakily passed something to another one of the guys that was in the store. I looked closely at what it was, seeing that it looked like the same exact stuff that Abir had in his drawer.

The same exact stuff that I'd taken and hid.

He wouldn't lie to me. I tried to convince myself but it was becoming harder and harder.

"You good, G?" Tone asked me and I nodded before he asked Mila and them the same.

Afterwards, we were finally done in the store and we left completely. I was happy to be out of that small space but my mind still ran hopelessly.

"Yo, why is Chaz still loud and ugly?" Angel scoffed, making us all burst out into laughter.

"For real." Mila agreed as we made our way up the block.

"And did he touch your stomach?" They then went on asking me and I shook my head no.

"Hell no." I went on saying as they all nodded.

"Oh okay. I was about to say."


That night

"Where are you?" I whined into the phone as I laid in my bed.

"I'm on my way to you right now, G, baby." Abir spoke assuringly and I sighed deeply.

"Well hurry." I told him, making him chuckle.

It was passed midnight and I was waiting on him to get here so that we could go back to his place. It'd been a long draining day and all I wanted to do was cuddle with him and enjoy my now non-gang member.

"GG, I'm washing. You need anything washed?" My auntie Tee came in, breaking me away from the conversation.

"Yes, please." I begged, knowing I didn't want to do it.

"You can take that hamper." I told her and she nodded, grabbing my hamper full of dirty clothes before she walked out.

When she did, I put my phone back to my ear and Abir was still talking.

"You heard me?" He asked and I shook my head a sigh he could see me.

"No. What'd you say?"

"I said come outside, ma. I'm on the corner."

"Okay, here I come." I smiled wide, getting up and making my way out of my room.



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