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My heels clopped on the floor as I strutted into the thrown room. This was it, I was going to be turned. I stood tall and proud in front of my mates. They were smiling happily.

I wanted to smile too but there was something wrong, I wasn't sure what. I shook the feeling away and walked up the steps to where Aro waited with open arms. It felt like forever as he held me. The room span, and that's when I realised.

"Wait!" I jumped back from Aro's arms. Something in me didn't want this. Not yet, I wasn't ready.

"What is it, il mio amore?" His eyes shone with concern. The other two kings with the same look began asking me what was wrong. The words were too much, everything was too much. My feet picked up and I ran, ran faster than I had had to in a long while. Right out the front doors.

I grunted clasping at my chest at the sudden rush of pain. People around me were staring, their judgemental looks putting more pressure on me. Blinking away my blurry sight, I began running again. I just had to get away from everything.

Soon I found myself on a huge hill. The entire view of Volterra coming into eyeshot. I tried desperately to stay calm and slow my breathing. My chest felt tighter than ever before.

I wasn't ready.

I thought I was, but I wasn't. I couldn't let go of my human life yet. It was too big of a decision, and honestly I felt like I was being pushed into it. My mates had been talking none stop about me being a vampire for the last few weeks now.

"The more you talked about me changing, the more I thought you didn't want the way I am. It made me rush into it. This is something I'm not ready for yet. I'm really not, I'm sorry." I sniffed, wiping away the tears that were practically burning my skin as I stood in Aro's office.

"Oh tesoro." Marcus gazed softly at me, he approached me slowly wrapping his arms around my body.

"We love you the way you are. All of you." He kissed the top of my head.

"If you're not ready yet, that's perfectly okay carissima." Caius smiled gently, Marcus letting go of me so the blonde king could take me into his arms.

"I never wished to make you do something you're not ready for." Aro muttered angry with himself. I walked over to him taking his face in my hand to kiss him.

"You didn't." I spoke calmly. He still looked mad but had loosened a little with the kiss. "I want this, I do. But not right now. I mean there's still so many things I want...need to do. And I can't do them as a vampire."

"I understand my dear." He placed a kiss on my cheek in reassurance.

A few days after I still felt the same, I didn't want to be dead yet and the Kings hadn't spoken about changing since then. I was more than glad for it. They seemed more attentive than usual which says a lot since they're pretty much all over me all the time. Not that I'm complaining.

"I can shower by myself Caius." I groaned playfully clutching my towel to my body.

"Yes but it's so much better with me." He winked whooshing us both into the shower and turning on the water.

"Sometimes you're crazy, but I love you anyway." I shook my head at his smirk.

They had all decided for whatever dumb reason, to come and watch me eat. I could deal with Stefano and had gotten used to Caius but now I had all four of them watching me eat. And they weren't quite about it either always asking if it tasted okay or what it tasted of. Can't a girl eat in peace?

As much as I love them, they were with me all the time, it was smothering. I guess they were trying to prove they loved human me. I mean they certainly have proven it.

"I'm going to go for a walk." I announced standing from Marcus' lap. They all began to stand up too, "alone." I said and quickly left the room. I had speed walked through a few hallways before signing that they weren't following me. Alone at last.

"So." I jumped out of my skin at the sound, turning my head, hand placed on heart.

"What the hell Chelsea!" I screeched.

"I saw you practically running, for a human anyways, so umm why?" She had an amused expression.

"I just wanted some alone time. I'm being smothered right now." I rolled my eyes. It was also super frustrating, because not only did they spend 24/7 with me, they were so sweet and kind. It made me feel even more attracted to them, then I got frustrated when I tried to hint I may have wanted more than a kiss. But they didn't get any of my hints, nothing absolute diddly squit.

"Oh, so you're still sexually frustrated?" She grinned.

"Shut up!" Of course I had to of shared it with Chelsea and Heidi who have been teasing me about it every chance they got.

"Afton overheard a conversation when he was guarding Aro's office," I gave her the look to go on, "they're worried about hurting you. Even though they have thousands of years worth of control, with you they get carried away." Chelsea explained with a sympathetic face.

"So they'll smother me but treat me like a china doll? That's not fair, I want more. I'm ready for it. How do I show them that?" I asked starting to walk again, she linked arms with me and spoke.

"Do something spontaneous, like strip naked or something like that." She giggled.

"I've done something like that, I dropped my towe—"

"Yes but I'm pretty sure you rushed to pick it up when they didn't react?" I nodded, "don't. Stay that way, lounge on the bed, look around your closet. You'll drive then insane." She winked.

Spontaneous...I'm so screwed.

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