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This morning had been quite an unusual morning, my three kings had woken me up with breakfast in bed and lots of cuddles. Aro had brushed my hair for me while Caius and Marcus stared on adoringly.
It had all been going amazingly until Aro started pacing back and forth the length of my room.

"Alright bellissma, this goes against my better judgement,"

"Aro." Marcus' disapproving tone stopped the raven haired king in his stride, his red eyes glancing at his brunette brother who sat on the black sofa. His hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, a black suit covering his thick chiselled body, one leg crossed over the other, in his hand a glass filled with warm blood.

With a sigh he continued, "Thea we must confess something-" but alas it was not to be his blonde brother cutting him off too.

"We." Caius scoffs with a grimace, if he had any say in it things would have gone very differently. The blonde king was more irate than usual sitting on the sofa adjacent to Marcus. His eyes not the usual red but black, his annoyance and anger about the subject bubbling to the surface, even he had to admit he was doing a wonderful job of holding it together.

"Bellisima I need you to understand that what I've done, I've only done because I thought it was what's best for you." Those words had me hesitant to hear the rest of it.

"I have committed a crime against you amore, I," he readied himself for what he needed to admit, "alone, went against your wishes and looked into your parents death." He waited watching my face but I tried not to give any emotions away.

It took me a minute but I decided I could deal with my feelings of annoyance later, "and what did you find out?" I asked moving from where I was on the bed over to Caius, climbing into his lap to sooth him. Although his eyes didn't change back to the usual red, obsidian searching my face.

It was true I was annoyed he had gone behind my back but, Aro could hold the answers I've been searching for for so many years. I was itching to find out.

"A very long time ago there was a coven who was in charge before us. They were called the Romanian coven, located in a place called Dacia at the time. They were sloppy," he spat with disgust and distaste dripping from his words, "their laws unhinged and unnecessary, their ruling was a ridiculous notion." Aro began to pace back and forth as he ranted.

"The Volturi decided-"

"You." Marcus interrupted.

"I decided to wage war on them, it was a war that lasted for centuries but it ended in the Romanians's defeat and the Volturi ruling over the vampire world. However we never wiped them out completely. Their castles were burned and their coven destroyed when we finally overthrew them. But those Romanian scum remained."

"I'm confused, baby what does that have to do with my parents? What they were secretly Romanian or something? Is this where you tell me we can't marry due to a distant Romanian blood relative?" I joked not really understanding the seriousness of the situation not until Aro stopped pacing and made his way to sit next to where I was perched on Caius' lap.

"Althea," the use of my name had my eyes meeting his, "through several witnesses and evidence it has been found that two members of that coven, Stefan and Vladimir," his fists tightened, "they were the vampires that murdered your parents."

"Aro, you have to-" the blonde king was cut off by Aro holding up his hand with a sorrowful nod.

"From what I've seen in your memories, you don't remember," Aro's eyes faded to black as he stared into my stinging eyes. "You had a little brother, they took him."

It was just noise, white noise. A ringing in my ears as the men in the room watched my movements so carefully. It couldn't be true, not only did vampires kill my parents but they took a brother I don't remember having from me. Why did they leave me? What did they want with him? Why us? Why my family?

They say there are five stages of grief but nobody told me that once I'd been through them, I'd have to go through it all over again. So here I was deep down the rabbit hole of denial.

"I, no." I scoffed standing up and moving away from the man who had just spouted the most painful words I'd ever heard.


"No I don't believe you, I, I, c-c, I can't believe you. I won't." My eyes burned with tears, "I can't because if I do then that would mean-" I shook my head clawing at my chest that had began to tighten horribly.

Caius was quick to grab my pill bottle and a glass of water but I pushed it away beginning to hyperventilate when the glass smashed on the floor and the pills spilt everywhere. At that same moment I fell to my knees hugging my body while I cried, sobbed and screamed. Anger and pain pulsing through my body as my mates watched on unsure of what was the best course of action.

"Thea look at me, Thea." Marcus' hands were on my face as he dropped to his knees too, I looked up but cried even harder repeating no over and over again, "listen to me, I will kill every single last one of them. I will hunt them down and end them. I give you my word this will happen." Marcus vowed a throaty growl bubbling deep within his chest as he became more primal with each second seeing his mate in such distress. 

I whimpered in response still struggling to find my breath while I cried what was left of my heart out, desperately trying to mourn a person I'd never met. Marcus wiped away the tears that kept falling watching as I shivered and sobbed.

"I want to see them ripped apart and burned." I pushed the dark words out, "I want justice."

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