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I had never felt so needy before, it was a strange feeling, to want something so much and not get it. I'd felt it many times before but not for this instance. Stupid Marcus crushing my fucking toy!

My fingers rubbed faster trying to reach my end, about half an hour ago I had realised I'd never actually given myself an orgasm without my toy. But the rush of need that continuously flittered through me pushed me to keep going. I bit my duvet hard trying to muffle the noises from all the vampires around.

For the first time in days, I'd woken up to an empty bed and a note saying they'd be back after some important trials. So I didn't bother getting up today. Didn't bother going to get breakfast or lunch. The tv played in the background, what had started out as Aquaman had flickered to Iron Man 2 and was now Captain America.

I payed no mind to it, moving my fingers quicker. Sweat glazed my body, I was trying so hard to finish. Was so distracted that I hadn't heard the door shut. Hadn't felt the covers being lifted off of me, or two bodies either side of me until a voice broke me from my reverie.

"What did I say Tesoro?" Marcus' voice made me jump but in my haze I never stopped pushing myself. Aro gripped my wrist and moved it away. Bring his own to where I needed it most. Gasping at the cold touch contrasting with the heat emanating from my core.

"Y-You were in trials." I shuddered, my breathed coming out uneven as Aro pushed inside and began curling and uncurling. I could feel their eyes on my when I lost myself in the pleasure, cumming around my mates fingers. I had been on the edge so long and that was the push I needed to fall.

"So, how were the trials." I grinned jumping into a new subject as I panted and shook.

"We only find one to be guilty." Ciaus smirked at me from where he stood at the end of the bed.

"How is that possible? Who?"

"You." Aro stated causing a shiver to rack through me.

"You didn't listen Tesoro, not when I told you specifically if you need us you get us. You broke...a rule, that deserves some kind of punishment." Marcus seemed to be enjoying this, in fact they all did. All of them beaming.

"What's my punishment, my King?" My eyes were hooded, gazing at the brown haired man in front of me. I liked where this was going. I didn't even bother trying to cover my bare body from their hungry stares.

"You're going to, how does my brother say it? Cum for us, as many times as you can until as you have said before, faint from the intense sexual activity." My breath hitched in my throat hearing Marcus use the word 'cum'. It wasn't like him at all.

"Do you accept your punishment Carissima?" Ciaus grinned at me as I giggled nodding. "Good." He grunted out wrapping his hand around my ankle and pulling me down the bed until my core was at level with his face. He dove in to my sensitive zone before I could even think. His tongue lapping at my clit, sliding through my folds.

I reached out above me for me other two mates, who were more than happy to grab my hands and come down to my head level. Both of them kissing from my cheek down my neck, lips connected with my nipples. Tugging on them with their teeth. It was so much pleasure all at once. Arching my back, I came quicker than I expected to. Coming down from my high, they hadn't stopped their movements.

"Ciaus!" I yelped at the overstimulation I was feeling. Every nerve on my body was on fire. I could feel it, another orgasm building up, and another and another and another until I felt as though I had no more energy left.

"T-Too much!" I cried out, feeling the sensitivity turn into pain. Quickly though the pain turned back into pleasure, forcing another orgasm to wash over me. My body was shaking, convulsing and contracting.

Ciaus moved away from my core, and shared a look with the other two while I lay mewling on the bed. My eyelids so so so heavy. Body pleading to sleep, but also begging for more.

"Do you know what you did was wrong Tesoro?" Marcus' voice pierced my little bubble. I let a lazy smile find it's was onto my face as I shook my head.

"She wants more." Ciaus smirked.

"Then she'll get more." Aro nuzzled his nose against my cheek.

Please fuck me, please oh please do it

Aro chuckled pulling away, I was too worn out to scold myself for thinking dirty thoughts while he touched me.

"Such dirty thoughts my pretty little mate." Aro pecked my cheek before sharing my plead with his brothers. Growls and movement was sensed all around me but I couldn't tell wether I was imagining it or not.

"Deep breath Carissima." Ciaus kissed my hairline. I did as told not asking questions. When I felt the stretch of my cunt I didn't need to ask. Glancing down for a second, before throwing my head back.

"Marcus!" A sinful cry tumbled from my lips, Marcus had pushed himself all the way inside me with a groan of his own. My arms held down by my mates on either side of me as they kissed my neck, sucking and marking the skin. Marcus had my legs on his shoulders pounding into me without missing a beat.

I came hard with a groan, but they didn't stop. Marcus went faster, to an inhuman pace. Ciaus moved down to suck at my breast and Aro moved his hand down to brush his fingers against my sore clit pulling a whine from my exhausted form.

"So beautiful." Aro whispered in my ear, I managed to hear him over the sound of skin slapping together. Over the moans and groans that laced the air.

"Fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes!" My voice so high pitched, sounded so drunk on the feeling my mates were making me feel. The air was thick with the smell of sex. I was loving every second of this 'punishment'.

"Do you know what you did was wrong il mio amore?" Aro asked and I nodded.

"Don't stop! Oh Marcus!" I couldn't even comprehend what Aro had said but I wanted to agree with whatever it was in that moment. Reaching my hand up to curl into Ciaus' hair. He purred in satisfaction.

Aro laced his free hand with mine, just as another intense wave of pleasure hit me. Pushing me so far over the edge. I could feel my heat pulsing and clenching around Marcus, felt myself gushing around him.

"Oh Tesoro." He groaned reaching his end just as I was in the middle of mine. He fucked us both through it, pressing kisses to my hip bone when we'd both relaxed.

"How are you feeling Carissima?" I kept my eyes shut, too tired to even open them. They were so heavy.

I'm okay

I thought squeezing Aro's hand. He squeezed back understanding. He relaid the message.

"Okay Tesoro, let's get you cleaned up." Marcus helped me sit up slowly.

"You smell nice." I mumbled when he had picked me up, holding me close. All three of them chuckled at my dazed self. I barely heard the sound of running water until marcus placed me into the big bathtub, getting in with me a few seconds later. He cleaned me, being gentle to the purple marks across my neck and chest as well as the area between my legs.

"Do you have any idea how perfect you are?" Marcus whispered pressing kissed along my shoulder. I would've answered had I not been on the verge of sleep ready to pass out. And a few seconds later I did.

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