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I had asked Stefano if I could do some baking and although he was skeptical since it's his precious kitchen, he agreed leaving to do god knows what after showing me, very slowly where everything was.

I was in the middle of adding the sugar into the bowl when a voice had me stilling "still like to cook I see." My head pinged up with a giant smile on my face.

"Lexi!" I squealed, she followed with a giggle pulling me into a hug.

"Oh I've missed you!" She sighed pulling away letting me go back to my cooking.

"I've missed you too. Hey how's it going with Felix?" I inquired with a small smirk as she rounded the island and sat on one of the stools opposite me.

"He's been very protective." She cringed slightly.

"Uh oh." I frowned measuring out the flour before grabbing my siv.

"No uh oh. It's a little intense but I suppose if you've been alone for that long I'd be a little possessive over my mate too." I nodded stirring in the flour while listening, "this is the first time I've been out. Master Aro kindly granted us some time until Felix felt a little more comfortable."

"He did?" I raised my eyebrows looking up at Lexi.

"Yeah. You didn't know?" She frowned slightly before shrugging, "I'm sure you were busy." She smirked her eyes full of mischief and my stomach dropped.

"Don't tell me." You cringed.

"Yeah. I heard." She laughed wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

"I'm pretty sure everyone in the castle did." Chelsea and Heidi came walking in, cheeky grins on their faces too.

"Oh god." I wiped my hands down my face in distress. "Can't you just not listen?" I scowl as they sat down on the other two stools next to Lexi. They shrugged turning to Lexi and introducing each other while I continued cooking.

Everyone has heard several times, every time I do something someone, somewhere hears it. The thought made my cheeks heat up. They've heard me cum. I wanted to slap my forehead.


My eyes began to get tired so I decided that was enough reading for today. Slotting the book back into its place I began to walk away when my eyes spotted something.

Picking up the old looking book I began to flip through it, reading every now and again until-

"I went to the library and look what I found!" I smiled placing the book on Aro's desk and pointing to the paragraph I had read from. A surprised shriek escaped me when a pair of hands began running over my body.

"So beautiful today, Carissima." Caius whispered his teeth tugging on my earlobe. Aro explained that since I'd been intimate with Marcus and completed my mating bond with him, both him and Caius would instinctually be all over me until I did it with them too.

"Shh we're reading." I giggled when he growled playfully in my ear, Aro's voice soon came back into focus.

"-and although very rare, it is actually common in true mates regardless of what species it is. Nesting and purring are primal instincts laced deep within our DNA that seem to come out in the most unlikely of circumstances. Usually it is before the completion of the mating bond.

The more dominant mate will feel aroused at the sight of their mate nesting or even the thought of it and that's where purring comes in. They'll begin to do it whenever the nest is mentioned in the future. Just because the mating bond is complete does not mean that the nest goes away, once the instinctual need has arose it cannot be suppressed."

"So it's all normal?" I asked trying my best to ignore the hickies that Caius was plastering on my neck, purring sweetly while he did.

"According to this book it is," Aro turned over the book over, "written by Saka Raahil." He hummed thinking to himself.

"It was in your library, have you not read it before?" I asked, biting down on my lip hard to keep from letting any whimpers out.

"No but I'll talk with Marcus. He's read every inch of that library, I'm sure he's read this." Aro said, looking up to see my eyes closed, head flung back against Caius' shoulder as he rubbed small circles over my clit. It had escalated so quickly in the passed couple of seconds, and I tried so hard not to make any noise thinking about everyone hearing.

"Let us hear you, you always sound so pretty." Caius grumbled nipping my jaw lightly. Aro humming in agreement was what led me to let go of my lip from between my teeth. Fuck it. A loud moan escaping me as my blond mate slipped his fingers inside me, curling them oh so perfectly.

"Caius! Caius please." I moaned my head lolling to the side while I grab his hand bringing it up to my neck.

"Bellisima." Aro's voice held the tone of slight shock, Caius chuckled darkly as he squeezed slightly feeling me clench around his fingers when he did. Only a few moments later and I was cumming around his fingers my wails turning into deep pants.

"My brother has corrupted you." Aro had a small smirk pulling at his mouth, while he watched Caius put me back to rights, stroking my hair slightly with a kiss to my temple.

"How do you know it wasn't you?" I raise an eyebrow leaning forward planting my hands on the desk, hearing a small grunt when my ass graced Caius' front.

"Oh I know it was my brother," he said lifting my chin with his finger, a slight frown pulled at my face, "you'll see how I corrupt you soon enough Mio Amore." He smiled pecking my lips softly, pulling his hand away to continue reading.


"Yes Master." I jumped out of my skin when the boy appeared in the room.

"Fetch Marcus for us, we must speak with him." Alec gave a nod towards my raven haired mate before leaving. "Marcus will have the answers."

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