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"Here we go baby this one's from Addam."  The woman's voice sounded throughout the room, it was so beautiful and so full of happiness. The present being placed in the five year old's hand, the girl squealed happily ripping open the box with fervour.

The teddy bear that sat inside was baby blue and absolutely gorgeous, she hugged it before turning to the little boy beside her, "Thankyou Ads."

"You're welcome Thea." He gave her a toothy smile and in turn she gave him one too.

Birthdays, a day of celebration. Only one problem, when you've just found out your parents were murdered by a vampire coven who hates your three vampire mates, plus that you have a brother that was taken and may or may not be alive. I didn't feel like celebrating at all, the thought made me feel sick to my stomach. How could I celebrate my birth when the people who made me were dead? How could I celebrate when my brother could be out there somewhere suffering?

A week had passed since they had told me, a week of barely eating, barely sleeping. A week of just lying in bed and staring at something that wasn't there, ignoring the hushed words of concern that fell from the three king's lips.

"Come on piccolo, I've got you." Marcus cooed at me in my depressive state, his warrior arms wrapping around me securely lifting me up and out of the bed. All I could do was whine at the cold air around me and snuggle close to him.

"Brother." Aro tutted wrapping a blanket around my body that had began to shiver, my thin pjs that Caius had dressed me in last night doing nothing to keep me warm, "silly man isn't he amore?" The raven haired vampire said brushing a hand through my hair before pulling away allowing me to nod, a slight pout gracing my lips.

This has been going on since the third day in bed, babying, walking on eggshells. My fragile state of mind didn't seem all that bothered and even liked all the careful attention no matter how much my independence wanted to shine through. I noticed how much my mates also seemed to be enjoying taking care of me, even if it was in sorrowful times.

Marcus had started walking from Caius' room, through the dark hallways Aro in stride next to him at a human pace. I was confused as to where we were going but the subconscious part of my brain told me to just snuggle closer to Marcus.

My blonde mate was waiting for us by a black car that was being packed by Felix and Alec, they were filling it with suitcases by the looks of it. I didn't care to comment, complying when Marcus helped me into the car quickly getting in himself and pulling me back into his lap.

"Just relax Tesoro, everything will get better soon. For now there's nothing you can do." He did have a point, right now Demetri and two other trackers from the Volturi were searching for my possibly alive brother. I was human and my currently neglected ability was no help in this situation.

"Would you like us to stop at...what was it called Jane?" Aro asked his voice softening to a more fatherly tone when his eyes directed at the blonde girl who was looking at her Queen in anguish.

"McDonalds master." Jane said, her red orbs not moving while she spoke. The words sounding so foreign on her tongue.

"Ah yes, McDonalds." It just didn't sound right, someone so refined and old saying such modern words, I couldn't help but giggle.

"Is he funny piccolo?" Marcus held me tighter, his lips drifting over my forehead.

"I just didn't expect him to say it." I laughed snuggling closer to Marcus who honestly was staring to feel warm instead of cold or maybe that was just me?

"Well cosa dolce?" Caius hummed tucking some hair behind my ear from his spot next to Marcus.

"No Thankyou. I'm not hungry." I mumbled knowing I didn't have to be loud for them to hear.

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