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I listened to them bicker, my three gorgeous mates were sat on the bed bickering about who would go first. I had established the other night that I had literally no experience. Zero, ziltch, nothing, nada. And they seemed practically overjoyed at this. Although Aro already knew, he was still smirking with glee.

"Why don't we start by you telling us what you like? This mostly will be about you, and we need to understand which lines we cannot cross." Marcus stated simply. However to me it wasn't simple. Oh no. Fuck no. I was inexperienced and had never had sex before. They had been alive for thousands of years and had most definitely taken lovers.

I was the outsider here.

"What I like?" I tried stalling, I knew what he meant but I thought stalling would be the better idea here. I really didn't wanna say it.

"Yes Carissima, what you've done that you do or don't like." Ciaus spoke up wanting to be involved. I glanced at Aro to see him waiting patiently. He knew, of course he did. He'd seen that I was indeed a virgin but I highly appreciated that he hadn't said anything.

"Um..." I began to speak but the words wouldn't come out. I didn't know why I was so nervous to say it to them. I mean one of them already knew and from what I understood about being their mate they would accept me any way I was.

"I know it can be embarrassing to talk about but we really must discuss it if this is going to work." Marcus pressed on.

"Well, I...I haven't," I looked at their frowns, Aro seemed to be wearing a sympathetic look, "I haven't had sex before." I rushed out the words feeling relief that they were finally out. I didn't look up to see their reaction truly scared of it.

"Tesoro were you afraid to share this with us?" Marcus questioned to which I nodded.

"Why Bellissima?" Aro had now entered the discussion not knowing the answer to this bit. I shrugged half heartedly with my reply.

"Because it's weird. I'm twenty one and I've never had sex." I picked at my nails finding them really interesting all of a sudden. Marcus' hand enveloped mine making me look up at him. He seemed slightly annoyed.

"There's nothing weird about it." He spoke sternly trying to put more emphasis on his point.

"I think my ex boyfriend messed with my head then." I huffed out earning growls in return.

"Explain before I kill him." Ciaus snarled thinking the worst.

"He cheated on me with a girl that was ready to have sex when I wasn't. He then made me feel like it was my fault because I didn't want to yet. I felt so guilty and ashamed that I hadn't done it." I frowned biting the inside of my cheek, willing myself not to cry. I had spent too much time crying over that. It was my first and last boyfriend I had had. Aro reached forward and took my hand, his eyes glazing over.

"What are you doing?" I asked, he pulled back looking angry.

"I was finding his name." He growled.

"No. No!" You yelped knowing what that meant.

"He hurt my mate. I cannot let this stand, I will not let this stand! Making you feel that way for not giving up something that is special to you. You had every right not to." Aro ranted.

"I know, and I hate him for it. But that doesn't give you the right to kill him. He was a stupid teenage boy who didn't care about anything other than his dick. So basically the same as every other teenage guy. If it wasn't him it would've been someone else." This didn't seem to make the three Kings feel any better. Their eyes still black, tainted with anger.

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