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Boring, more boring, even more boring. I read line after line and became more bored with each word. Sitting on Aro's lap in his office sounded like a perfect way to kill a few hours hiding from my insane vampire wedding planners, until now.

"Bellissima, your thoughts are very loud." Aro muttered, his deep voice rumbling against my body settling somewhere surprising.

This is not the time or place to be getting turned on Thea!

An intense growl emanated from the black haired man I sat on. He dropped the pen in his hand and circled my waist pulling me further against his chest.

"Tell me, bellissima, is there a problem that I need to address?" The way he pressed his forehead against my temple, cold air blowing on my ear when he spoke, how his fingers traced my bare thigh. Totally not regretting wearing a skirt.

"No." I breathed out heavily, his hand travelling higher as he began to purr.

"You seem to be out of breath cosa dolce." He whispered pressing a knuckle against my clothed clit. He dragged said knuckle up and down slowly, teasingly. I whimpered, our heads still resting together. I could practically feel his grin. He pulled away before I could move my hips against his hand.

"Tis a shame I have work to do." He moved forward, looking completely unbothered as he picked up the pen and resumed his work.

I was frustrated and that just wouldn't do. Acting on instinct I ground my core against his leg, sighing as I did so. Aro froze when I repeated the action. I could feel his eyes on me, watching as I used his leg to get myself off. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. I picked up the pace moving faster feeling the wetness seep through my underwear now on his trousers.

"So beautiful. Keep going." He groaned pressing small kisses against the skin of my neck. His hand coming up to hold my jaw and hold it still.

"Right there!" I cried bucking my hips against his leg, grinding down harder and feeling the corded muscle in his thigh move as he rocked it up into my cunt.

"That's it preziosa, cum for me." Aro grunted in my ear, pulling me closer in his arms and rutting his thigh between my legs, my moans filling the quiet room. He could feel my legs clench around his and he bit down on my shoulder as I came hard.

Panting against his neck, sprawled out in his lap and yet I couldn't be happier, well maybe if—

"We could hear you in the throne room, on the other side of the castle." Ciaus huffed a hint of jealousy in the blonde's red eyes. Marcus followed after him through the now open doors. They shut behind them once fully inside.

"I don't care." I snuggled my face into Aro's neck, trying to keep myself from thinking self conscious thoughts while Ciaus went on.

"Enough brother." Aro ordered upon hearing my thoughts. I pulled away from his neck and stared down at his desk. I felt weird all of a sudden.

"Tesoro, are you alright?" Marcus asked.

"More than fine." I smiled, it was fake. For some reason this time after I had come down from my high, I had dropped way down. I now felt, ashamed, guilty and embarrassed. Feelings I didn't even know I could feel after doing that. Awkwardly and uncomfortably I stood from my position. Aro grabbed my hand clearly reading my thoughts.

"Thea—" he started, but as I looked down on the wet patch on his trousers I felt sick.

"I'm sorry." I rushed out of the room making it my mission to get back to my room before they did. Running inside I slammed the door behind me, and I just cried. Hyperventilating as the tears fell. I closed my eyes sliding down the door to the floor and covering my mouth, letting out muffled sobs into my hand.

I screamed when a hand landed on my shoulder, flinching to see Heidi and Chelsea standing there with concern written all over their faces......

"But why did I feel like that?"

"It's normal to feel like that on the odd occasion." Heidi encourage with a small smile.

"I've never felt that way before." I sniffled.

"Sometimes it can be the little things that led up to it. If there was a negative energy after, even for a moment. Or you weren't feeling happy before." Chelsea said.

"You're experiencing an unbelievable level of stimulation, physical and otherwise," she continues. "Then, suddenly, it all stops and your body and mind need to return to the baseline. It's this physiological 'drop' that can bring about a sense of dysphoria." Chelsea said rubbing my back.

" how the hell do I explain that to them?" I nodded towards the door where my mates were waiting.

"They would've heard. You don't have to say anything." Heidi smiled comfortingly.

"Thankyou." I sighed hugging them both and wiping away the left over tears. Opening the door I stepped to the side and they left bowing their heads as they walked passed the Kings. I climbed on the bed and got under the covers pulling a pillow to my chest. Before I could hide under the sheets Marcus was next to me kissing my forehead soothingly.

"Tesoro?" I grabbed his hand and pulling him closer. Aro had suddenly appeared behind me under the covers, his arms wrapping around my body. I looked to Ciaus who was next to Marcus, sliding my other hand into the blonde's.

A series of 'I love yous' sounded throughout the room. Aro would not stop fussing over me for the rest of the evening. Constantly asking if I was alright, which although I felt a little off I answered with a yes each time.

I didn't miss the way he looked at me either and I knew exactly why, my thoughts swirled with a haze and he found it a little difficult to focus on one particular one but there was a singular thought right in the back of my mind that he managed to catch before it went away.

It was a thought that maybe he didn't expect or maybe after the conversation a few days ago he did, however it shocked him.

If that woman can get pregnant why can't I?

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