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"What happened?" I groaned groggily as I sat up slowly with the help of two cold hands.

"Easy Carissima." Caius cooed.

"You fainted." Aro spoke plainly almost as if he was suppressing anger or annoyance.

"Fainted? H-How?" I blinked harshly trying to wake myself up.

"After our...time together. You were out of breath and I think your heart condition acted up causing you to falter." Aro answered. That didn't sound right, usually my heart condition caused pain in my chest first.

"No that can't be right." I shook my head. Caius looked at me with so much worry I couldn't help but think the only thing I could do to help was kiss him. Leaning in to press my mouth to his he pulled back. I raised an eyebrow surprised, but I saw — saw the looks on their faces.

"You're not gunna touch me again are you?" I asked them, Marcus didn't look at me but my other two mates managed to hold their gazes.

"It would not be good for your safety." Aro said. "We have trials to attend to, are you alright on your own?" His eyes seemed to have softened.

"I'll be fine." I sighed running a hand through my hair. He kissed my cheek before leaving with Marcus. Ciaus cupped my face and pressed his soft cold lips against my forehead before swiftly leaving.

What seemed like a few minutes later, the door opened and in came Heidi and Chelsea.

"What are you two doing here?" I smiled at them, receiving a smile back.

"The whole castle heard you." Heidi chuckled getting right to it. I cringed at the thought and covered my face with my hands, groaning a 'no'.

"They're not going to do that again with me." I grumbled after sitting quiet for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Chelsea asked causing me to explain everything that had happened, well not every detail of the deed. They both sat there looking as though they were thinking.

"Why not tease them?" Heidi asked.

"What?" My eyebrows raised so high up I thought they were going to hit my hairline.

"Well you're certain it wasn't your heart condition right?" I nodded. "And you wanna do it again?" I blushed deeply but slowly nodded. "Then tease them, show them what they're missing by being silly."

And that's exactly what I did.

I noticed that Caius was more than happy to still be in physical contact with me, still kissing me, always hand his hands on my skin. Aro hadn't touched me since that morning, he actively avoided contact with me. And Marcus. Marcus couldn't even look at me. He never made eye contact with me and it hurt me so much.

But I kept to my goal and tried my hardest to tease them. Aro not touching me was a good thing, he wouldn't be able to know about my plan.

I did all I could think of, slept in my underwear or revealing clothing. Made sure to always give them the sexiest look I could. I even did that stupid bend and snap from Legally Blonde but nothing. They didn't even show a flicker of want.

I knew I just needed to call them out for being idiots.


"Jane?" I called out from where I sat on Ciaus' lap.

"Yes my Queen?" She answered, her head snapping straight to my direction.

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