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I woke up feeling groggy, my head felt like it was about to explode from the pressure I felt. That's when I felt my nose dripping, rushing out of the big bed I felt worse, my vision blurry. I was so worried that I was getting a nosebleed in a Castel full of vampires, bumping into things on the way to the bathroom. After blinking hard to get my eyes to focus, there wasn't any blood thank goodness.

I grabbed a bunch of tissues and wiped my running nose. Just as I did a coughing fit decided to entire my life. Rushing towards the double doors and pushing them open to find two surprised guards.

"My Queen! Are you alright?!" Katrina rushed to my side holding my arm to keep my weak body from falling. "You're burning up." She commented after placing her hand around my face.

"I need water." I gasped out still coughing, my chest and throat starting to hurt. She picked me up and rushed me to the kitchen where she thrusted a glass of cold water into my hand. I sat down at the table and gulped the water down. 

"Any better?" Katrina asked.

"Not really." I sniffed my running nose away coughing two seconds after.

"Have you got the flu?" She asked softly with a motherly care in her voice.

"I don't know, maybe. It certainly feels like it." My gravely voice sounded nothing like me when I heard myself talking.

"Right. Back to bed for you then." She instructed standing and helping me stand too.

"Where are my kings?" I asked letting her guide me back to my room slowly.

"In trials at the moment. The masters should be done in an hour or two. You know you slept most of the day my Queen." Katrina gave me a side glance.

"Oh. Can't I see one of them?" I almost whined my headache getting worse, my throat felt like it was constricted.

"Thea." My eyes snapped to Katrina at the use of my name. "You are the Queen of the Volturi. Queen of all vampire. If you wished to call off trials for the day, it would happen. If you wanted someone dead, they'd be gone. If you want to see one of the kings, pick one and they're there." She gave me a soft smile after her lecture, it brought a lopsided grin onto my face.

She gave up on the slow walk and rushed us back to my room, helping me into bed where I spent a few minutes coughing so much my throat felt raw and so painful.

"Go and get the Kings!" Katrina ordered the other guard loudly after coming back from getting more water. He whooshed off and a few minutes later I was surrounded by my men.



"Mi amore."

I felt my entire body relax at the sound of their voices, but only when I felt their hands on me did I let myself sink into the mattress.

"I'm sorry I interrupted the trials." I wheezed out, coughing harshly after. Water being brought to my disposal by my brunette mate.

"None sense Tesoro." His voice had me humming in satisfaction, I don't know why I needed them so much today, maybe it was because I was sick?

"You can go back to trials, but please stay until I fall asleep." I lay back with Marcus' assistance.

"We are not leaving you Carissima." Caius had appeared next to me his arms wrapping around me, the feel of his cold body against my searing skin was amazing. Aro had stepped up next to Marcus placing his hand in mine.

"You're burning." Caius noted giving Katrina a glare, she got the message and left the room. The second the door closed Caius worked my top off before pulling me against him. He was freezing but it felt so nice. Maybe a hot water bottle would balance out the temperature.

"Guard, fetch your Queen the hot water bottle." Aro sounded so unsure about those words, but he'd used them every time I got cold since coming back from London. I hummed in appreciation and he got the message.

"Typical." I scoffed, coughing slightly afterwards.

"What is Tesoro?" He asked.

"That I'm sick. A typical human thing." I let out a small laugh.

"Are you having second thoughts about waiting Carissima?" Caius asked, and I knew he didn't mean to sound so hopeful in his question. But he did.

"No. I don't know, maybe. Or maybe I'm just not thinking clearly." My eyes began closing, only to spring back open when a cough turned into a coughing fit.

"Drink Tesoro." Marcus brought the glass to my lips once my fit had calmed down.

"I'm going to give the doctor a call." Aro whooshed away. I let out a groan of stubbornness.

"I don't need a silly doctor." I huffed snuggling closer to Caius giving Marcus enough room to slip in the bed behind me.

"Yes you do." The door opened revealing Katrina who handed the hot water bottle to Marcus and left once more. My brunette mate slipped in under the covers between Caius and I.

"That's nice." I let my eyes close feeling safe and protected between two vampires.

A day later the doctor came in confirming that I had the flu. "I see you're staying healthy." He chuckled making me crack a smile. My body was sweaty and hot yet I felt cold, practically shivering. Throat sore from coughing to the point I couldn't swallow anything, not that I had the appetite to eat anything anyways.

"I try." My cracked voice spoke up causing the doctor to hush me like a mother would hush a crying baby. He checked my pulse, looking at his watch while counting before nodding.

"We'll you're not dying so that's good news. You'll be fine in a few days Miss Petrova, if you rest, drink plenty of water and eat something. The only medicine I can recommend is paracetamol or ibuprofen. Take it every four hours." He gave a stern look as if he somehow knew I'm the type to forget. Not like I could with my mates.

"We'll make sure she does." Aro said.

"Good. If she worsens over the next few days give me a call. Miss Patrova," he nodded my way before bowing to the general room. "My Kings." And he left.

"I like him." I smiled, his personality reminded me a bit of my dad. Aro came over with a smile of his own and wiped his hand over my forehead, his eyes glazing for a moment before grabbing the soaked cloth that lay in a bowl of cold water. He rung it out before wiping down my face and chest with it.

I sighed at the feeling, maybe being taken care of isn't all bad.

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