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"I have something to ask of you." I cleared my throat glancing at Dimitri.

"Anything, ask away my Queen." He gave me a slight smile, it seemed to pain him to do so.

"This has to stay between us, my mates aren't to find out." He began to speak but I held up my hand, "I know they're keeping something from me, I just don't what it is. I intend to find out, and you're gunna help me."

"I. My Queen I couldn't-"

"Please help me." I plead my strong demeanour breaking slightly.

"Why won't you ask them?" He groaned, running a hand down his face.

"Because they'll lie." His face softened at the break in my voice when I felt my heart break a little at that thought. My mates' lying to me.

"Okay, okay I'll help you. What do you need from me?" He asked like a loyal soldier.

"First you can start me off by telling me who was so important they couldn't come and see me the other day. When Katrina and I came to the second throne room." I asked, itching to get my hands on some answers.

"That I don't know. We were told to stand guard, but they had sage burning therefore I couldn't hear." He frowned apologetically.

"Sage?" Isn't that a plant?

"It's a plant that can be used against the strengthened hearing of vampires. If you burn it in a room, a vampire can no longer hear what is being said from outside that room." Dimitri explained.

"They really wanna keep whatever this is a secret." I cringed at the thought. "Okay, all I need from you is to simply listen and report to me anything to do with that."

"Yes My Queen." He answered tilting his head my way in respect.

"Thankyou." I reached forward and hugged him taking him by surprise. Pulling away, I began to head straight for Marcus' room. Maybe spending some time with him will calm me from my need to find answers. I couldn't let Aro too close for a while, otherwise he'd know from the simple touch of my skin. And there's no way I'd ask him to wear gloves again, that would hurt him too much.

I let my busy thoughts swirl in my head as I opened the door and closed it behind me. After searching the room, he wasn't here.

"Great." I huffed, slipping under his bed covers and snuggling down. The Castle was getting colder and colder recently signalling that not only was Christmas upon us again but my birthday too. Last year I made sure that we didn't celebrate my birthday no matter how much my mates wanted to.

"Not celebrating the day of your birth would be an atrocity." Caius grimaced at the thought. How could they not be happy about their true mate being born.

"I don't want to celebrate my birthday. I really don't, it just reminds me of all the things I don't have. Friends, parents, a family of my own. I don't want to celebrate so please just don't." I huffed leaving the room quickly.

I felt so horrible after that, all they were trying to do was make a happy day for me and I ruined it. I doubt they'll even try this year, not that I want them to.

"Carissima?" I hummed at the sound of Caius' voice. The door opened and closed along with footsteps, soon Marcus and Caius were in front of me. Cracks of darkening daylight streaming in from behind the curtains, turning their figures into silhouettes.

"Hi. I got cold." I mumbled, my voice muffled by the bed sheets I'd pulled up to my face. Marcus kneeled down, our faces the same height as each other.

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