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This was it he was going to do it, Aro was going to tell his soul brothers that their mate wants to have a baby. God help him.

The raven haired man looked up at his brothers from where he stood attempting to make his gorgeous mate's lunch, breakfast was a no go she hadn't even looked at it. The thought made him unnecessarily sigh as he stirred the chicken soup while it heated up.

"Brother? You're troubled?" Marcus ever the empathetic one glanced up from his book, from where he sat on the couch.

"And you're not?! She asked us to leave her alone." Caius sulked his arms crossed and brow furrowed in distaste for the situation, the man looked ever so angry standing by the big glass window that looks out into the garden.

"She needs time, I think what she asked of us is fair." Marcus said firmly shushing his blonde brother, pushing away the memory of Thea waking up this morning and telling them she wanted to be alone for a while.

"I must speak with you both while she cannot hear us." Aro interrupted Caius' next sentence catching both of their attentions, both men rushed to the other side of the island standing adjacent to where Aro was cooking.

"What is it?" Caius pressed.

"Our mate wants to have a baby." Aro felt like he had choked out the words, this may have not been the best time to bring it up but Aro knew this may be the only time for a while that they will be able to speak without her here.

"Yes we know this bro-"

"She expressed this to you?" Marcus cut off blondie knowing there must be more to it than the conversation they had had the other day otherwise Aro wouldn't have mentioned it.

"No, but she knows I know. I saw it in her mind, at first it was sad and bitter knowing that Isabella Cullen has had a child."

Caius hissed at the word Cullen but leaned over the island wanting to know more, "however it morphed into, anger then to confusion. But most recently before we..I told her about her parents, she was searching the library for anything she could to find out more about it. Even went as far as to search my desk to look for a way to contact the Cullens."

"She really wants this." Marcus' tongue felt all fuzzy as he spoke, coming to the realisation that his precious human mate wants to carry his child. He hums, pushing away the darker part inside him that wants to rush upstairs and take her until she can't go anymore. To breed her. Shaking his head to keep the dark thoughts away he focuses on his brother once more.

"She does. However I'm not sure how we can help, we didn't even know it was possible until it happened." Aro sighed once more, such a human thing to do but it felt right at this troubling time.

"Well you've yet to sleep with her." Caius tilted his head his mind reeling trying to come up with all the different ways this could be possible, she wanted this? She would have it. Anything to make her happy.

"What are you suggesting brother?" Marcus frowned.

"Both Marcus and I have enjoyed our little mate's delicious cun-"

"Caius." Aro scowled.

He chuckled but continued, "all I'm saying is that if Marcus and I can't then maybe you can for one. And two as far as I'm aware it can take humans years to conceive, so to cross it off the list Aro you need to claim our mate and we need to make sure she understands that if she does get pregnant she will have to be turned as soon as she gives birth."

"You're serious about this?" Aro asked slightly surprised at the efficiency his brother was taking.

"Of course I am! If she wants this, I will do everything in my power to make sure she can have it just like any of us would. Now we've just got to agree on the matter." Caius' tone was firm, his knuckles curling to make fists. He was restraining himself from burying himself inside his mate continuously.

"I am in agreement. Brother?" Marcus raises his brown eyebrows at his soul brother.

"Agreed." Aro nods a little hesitantly, they all agreed. Now they had to make sure she did too.

My everything felt tired. Exhausted actually. So far there was no news on Addam but Dimitri was adamant that the name very much helped their search. I didn't know if it was 100% true but I assumed from the dream I had that it was.

Aro pulled me from my thoughts by waltzing into the room with a tray in his hands, he placed it on the coffee table and made his way toward me. His pristine white shirt had a few buttons popped open at the top revealing some black chest hairs, his sleeves rolled halfway up his muscular pale arms. It was not everyday I got to admire my mate in such a relaxed way, he really was gorgeous.

"Baby I told you-"

"I know you say you're not hungry, but I could hear that tummy of yours rumbling from downstairs." Aro scoffs running his thick fingers through my hair, a smile tugging at his pink lips at my thoughts.

A soft moan falls from my lips when he scratches his well trimmed nails across my scalp, shivers rolling down my body at the satisfying feeling. "Aro please." I knew I didn't need to say anymore.

"Alright bellissima I won't force you, but you must promise me you'll eat dinner. I am very worried about you." He frowned deeply leaning down to press a kiss against my forehead.

"Those aren't my lips." I blinked slowly watching Aro's face adorn a soft smile.

"Such a tease." He chuckled rubbing his nose against mine, his large hands caressing my face while hunched over the bed, "but only good girls get to be kissed on the lips and you haven't been a good girl have you? Neglecting your body's basic needs, I think you deserve a punishment." His words were whispered across my skin, staining them like a tattoo

"Aro." I blinked at him in surprise.

"I told you you'd know when I corrupt you." His voice sounded so sexy, so enticing. Aro's red eyes meet mine and they're filled with lust. "Don't worry pretty girl I won't punish you today, but I will collect." He smirked moving down to suck a mark on my neck, I gasped trying to get my head to clear from the fuzziness he was making me feel. It was so new and weird.

"Now my dear, my brothers and I have something we wish to discuss with you, do you wish to come into the living room or do you want us in here?" Aro asked ignoring the needy look in my eyes.

"I'll come to you." I said moving to get out of bed, my raven haired mate moving to help me, out of comfort and into the bathroom.

"Call my name when you need me bellissima." Aro whispered in my ear before he disappeared.

"Fuck he's gonna kill me."

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