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(Not really tho?😂)

It'd been a week, a week of no trials, no friends and no mates. A dark cloud of sadness had swirled around the castle and impacted me hard. I hadn't seen them since that night. Although I knew they'd been in my room, the smell of them was in the room whenever I woke up. Knowing they'd been here and it made me feel warm and tingly inside.

Another week passed and the Kings were on their way back from checking up on Renesmee's growth, she looked like a teen now according to Jane who checked in with me. I told her about the situation, god knows why I did, but she was surprisingly more understanding than I ever expected her to be. She made sure that I wouldn't have to talk to any of them, being the middle man for both sides.

About a day after they all retuned Jane came rushing into my room, her arms full. "I read a magazine called Cosmopolitan, and they say that these things are necessary when fighting with a partner." She claimed, dropping face masks, chocolate, trash magazines and rom coms onto the bed.

"Jane, not that I'm not grateful for all this," I gestured to the things on the bed, "but why are you so happy that I'm not talking to the kings?" I felt a punch in the gut saying it out loud. She stepped away from the bed, looking at the wall.

"I had a mate once. He was handsome and kind, it was young love. But he and I didn't see eye to eye on things. We, what you would call broke up." I frowned at her words, I didn't know mates could do that. "It killed him to do it, but I was stronger. I became what I am today." Her demon like eyes glistened in the light as they flickered back my way, her signature smirk growing on her face.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say she looked like a daughter of Caius.

"So you're doing this because you never got a proper break up?" I asked.

"Essentially." She agreed.

"Okay." I shrugged grabbing the face masks and pulled her towards the bathroom. To hell with it.

Later that same day Jane left for feeding time, leaving me alone again. It was miserable, my room didn't smell like them anymore, I needed it back. I left my room heading straight for Marcus' not too far from mine. I grabbed a couple of his shirts, and a pillow of his rushing back to my room to yank off my bed covers and pillows throwing them aside. I felt a strange feeling as I placed Marcus' pillow on my bed. Some kind of primal feeling.

I brushed it off heading to Caius' room grabbing his bed covers, he won't be needing them, and taking them to my room placing it on my bed. The guards outside my room watched me with curious yet knowing eyes as I scurried back and forth. Katrina even seemed amused at my behaviour. I finally made my way to Aro's grabbing his pillow, a shirt and a scarf before making my way back to my room and arrange all the items I had collected around so I could smell them each perfectly.

When the elite guard walked into my room, I practically hissed sitting up in bed.

"She made a nest, she's uh fine?" I heard Dimitri mumble to Jane who rolled her eyes, giving Felix a nod. Soon after he rushed from the room.

"What's going on!" I spat, I didn't understand why I was being so rude even when I didn't wanna be. It felt like they were ruining something.

"We were informed by your guard that you had been rushing around and the Kings were worried you were exerting yourself. Now we can see you're fine we'll leave." She bowed her head seeming almost afraid as she and the rest of them left the room, with utter annoyance I got out of bed and locked the door before jumping back in. At least 0.1 seconds later my heart jumped in my chest.

"Carissima. Please let me in." He growled, low and chesty against the door, the sound buzzing through me. Caius.

"Tesoro, open the door." Marcus, I blinked quickly suddenly feeling hazy.

"Bellisima." I whimpered and that was it, the scent of my sudden arousal flooded the room reaching them, almost a second later the doors were broken and three hungry vampires were inching towards me.

They were all here, it seemed as if they were fighting some invisible force to get to me. I heard a few grunts while they looked to be holding themselves back but still getting closer. The haze that made me dizzy was getting worse. My brain fogging up.

"What's happening?" I gasped lying back with a heavy body. Everything felt heavy. So heavy.

"Bellisima, we've been apart for too long. Your body is telling you that." Aro grunted springing forward so fast I blinked and I missed it. He stood at the bottom of the bed his eyes black as he inhaled sharply. "So sweet." He groaned, his dark pupils fixated on me.

"You built a nest." My breath hitched at the sound of Marcus' voice. His eyes sparkled with pride when he spoke. He stood next to my bed, his large warrior built body making me feel small.

"What's a nest?" I asked, almost panting as small, dull waves of pleasure rolled throughout my body.

"It's very rare for vampires but in some cases they chose a place that makes them the most comfortable and fills them with items that hold the scent of their mate. That fact that you're not a vampire is very interesting to me." Marcus explained his eyes boring into mine.

"I felt this need to make it. Like I already knew what I was doing when I made." I said a little shocked when they all purred happily.

"We can talk more about that later, right now you need us." Caius was getting impatient wanting to touch me.

"I do." I whimpered admitting it plain and simple. "Please." I extended my hand out and soon enough they were all surrounding me, hands touching everywhere, lips kissing all over. It was invigorating to have them back after being without them for so long.

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