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I looked out the window with a bored expression, the Kings had been in trials all day and I hadn't seen Chelsea or Heidi. They must have been busy. It was dark now the moon shining into the room. I always liked to sleep with the curtain open, the moonlight streaming in. I jumped in surprise at the door slamming, turning to see Ciaus growling in frustration.

"Bad trial?" I asked, his head snapped in my direction and before I could think he was stalking towards me capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. I knew what he wanted.

My fingers unbuttoned his shirt quickly pulling it off, while he grabbed the seam of my top and ripped it in half along with my bra. We broke away for a few seconds to rid ourselves of the top half of clothing. Back into the embrace, we kissed, tongues fighting and swirling with lust.

My body was buzzing with need. Grabbing Ciaus' hand that rested on my hip I guided it into my jeans and to my soaked underwear. Using his superspeed he pushed us against the wall, I grunted as my back pressed against it.

"Always so wet for me." He hissed into my ear. His finger traced a line up my covered slit feeling the damp material.

"Need more." He moved his face in front of mine at my plead. He raised an eyebrow encouraging me to continue. "Fuck me." I begged. His eyes were pitch black by the time he got me on the bed, yanking off my jeans and underwear he looked over my naked body with desire. He moved in pressing a light peck to my right thigh about to move closer to my core. I stopped him tilting his head up.

"No. Fuck me." I was ordering him now. He grinned ridding himself of the rest of his clothes and getting to it. His hands smoothed gently down my sides, I yelped in surprise as he flipped my body over and grabbed my hips, pulling them to his. He wasted no time in pushing himself inside me. My hot sopping cunt sheathing around his big cock. He fucked into me, pushing me closer closer closer to the edge.

Ciaus' hand slid around my throat pulling me back against his chest. He pounded into me harder and harder, his hips smacking against mine. I place my hand over his moaning out into the air. The big window we faced let the moonlight shine upon us.

"She looks celestial."


My eyes sprang open to see my other two mates standing there, clearly they had just entered the room but my focus slipped from them when Ciaus's fingers moved to my clit. I whined desperately with each thrust and rub.

"Fuck!" I sobbed letting tears of pleasure fall down my cheeks. I loved every second of this, felt so wanted and loved in this moment. I felt complete with all my mates here with me.

"Such a filthy mouth carissima." Ciaus growled, I clenched around him at his words. I was right there, right on the edge. Caius could feel it, bringing his hand down against my ass, I heard my other mates hiss as my eyes rolled back along with my head, whines, whimpers and moans mixing into one big howl as I gushed around his member crying out while he fucked me through it. He wasn't far behind, reaching his high a few seconds later. He lowered me down onto the bed, my front pressing against the cool material.

I didn't bother to open my eyes, only moving to turn onto my back. I was sure I looked a mess, hair all tangled, Ciaus' hand prints on my neck and my hip. My chest heaved slower and slower, my body ready for sleep. Cold hands worked around me, cleaning and manoeuvring my figure under the covers. My head hit the pillow and I was out.

"You could have waited."

"She didn't complain brother."

My eyes fluttered open to see Ciaus smirking triumphantly, Aro rolling his eyes and Marcus no where to be seen. I turned over to find him next to me, he looked at me smiling. I pressed my nose to his giving an eskimo kiss. His smile widened.

"Did they wake you?" He whispered.

"When do they not?" I giggled.

"Carissima." Ciaus had sped to the other side of me his arms wrapping around my body, his nose sliding up the length of my neck. "So perfect." He mumbled against my skin.

"You're being more possessive than usual." I couldn't help but note, not necessarily meaning to say it out loud.

"Vampires usually are after an intimate time together." Aro commented, a tone of longing in his voice.

"I was if you remember." Marcus smirked causing a blush to settle on my cheeks. Remember? It was only last week, he still is!

Ciaus growled into my neck roaming his hands around my body, leading me to realise my figure was bare.

"I don't mind it." I giggled biting my lip, another growl coming from my blonde mate. This behaviour always amused me, especially from Ciaus. He was perpetually angry, yet his softer side is the best thing I've ever witnessed. My sinfully stunning mate, kind of a sadist and yet he's here hugging me so close to him.

"Oh I know. I can smell it on you." Ciaus ran his teeth along the sweet spot on my neck, eliciting a pleased sigh from me. Aro watched on, a fascinated look marrying his face.

"Would you like a break Carissima, or?" The blonde king slid his hand down my stomach straight to my core, his fingers teasingly caressing my inner thighs. Marcus let out a feral snarl when Aro pulled down the sheets revealing my naked form. Tease.

I tapped my chin pretending to think, "Maybe just a shower for right now." I climbed out of bed, a little surprised Ciaus had let me go, and made my way inside the bathroom. "Of course you're more than welcome to join me." I giggled shutting the door behind me and jumping inside the shower.

The door opened and shut and there he was, my perfectly sadistic mate, growling with midnight black eyes staring directly at me. He whooshed inside the shower, clearly not caring about his clothes becoming soaked. He pulled me to him harshly, taking my lips with his.

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