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"—Yes, 24601. My name is Jean Valjean. And I am Javert. Do not forget my name! Do not forget me. 24601. Look down, look dow-"

"Pay attention to me carissima!"

"Why do you always do this when we watch tv?" I whine pushing him away with a pout firmly on my lips.

I'd been waiting all week for this, I'd put my suspicion aside for the time being I knew eventually I'd find out whatever it was that my mates were hiding. It took me a while to realise that whatever they're hiding they must be doing it for a good reason and that's exactly what I told them.

"Okay I knew we had to talk about it at some point so I'm starting since I know none of you will." I giggle slightly at the end causing them all to perk up slightly from where they sat on the black sofas in Aro's office.

"I will do my best to ignore whatever it is that you're doing until you're ready to tell me, but I want something in return." I bite my lip to hide my cheeky smile, though Aro seemed to catch it.

"And what is that cara mia?" The raven haired vampire tilts his head.

"You three have to do one thing a day, and it can be whatever I want. I get decide what we do and you can't say no." I cross my arms over my chest thinking that it's a rather fair ask.

"Alright Tesoro that seems like a reasonable request, however it cannot be anything dangerous or anything that goes against our laws." Marcus raises an accusing eyebrow.

"Well duh."

Now I'm trying to enjoy the thing I picked today and Caius won't leave me alone for two seconds to enjoy it, I'm only like two minutes into the movie!

"Caius what are doing to our sweet mate?" Aro remarks walking through the doors to my room with a glass of water and a mug filled with hot cocoa and topped with a generous layer of squirty cream. Just how i like it.

"Thankyouuuuuu Stefano!" I smile wiggling my bum further into the warmth of the bed, bringing the mug up to my lips to lick some of the cream. My eyes hold an offended gaze when Caius suddenly dips his finger in the perfect pyramid of cream before pulling it out and examining it with distaste.

"How can you eat this?" He scoffs totally oblivious to my pissed off face.

"Let her be brother." Marcus shakes his head coming over to my left side, a bowl of chocolate, popcorn and some other treats in his hand. He placed a peck on my temple, watching Caius finally look at my face from the other side of me.


"Never touch my cocoa." I scowl watching him hold up his hands up in defence.

Aro placed the water on the bedside table eyeing all the unhealthy food in his brother's hands with a frown, "Bellissima i want to see you eat something healthy tomorrow." Aro waits for me to look his way expecting a nod but alas deep down he knew his darling mate wouldn't give him the reaction he desired.


"Tesoro." Marcus stopped me, taking quick note of the mischief I held in my eyes, the little quirk of my lips that showed pure sarcasm was on the tip of my tongue. I snapped my head to my brunette mate, he once again shook his head this time it aimed at me leaving me to sigh before looking back at Aro.

"Fine I'll eat something healthy tomorrow I promise babe." I say with a roll of my eyes sipping on the hot drink in my hands, missing how each of the vampires in the room froze.

"What did you call me?" Aro asked his blood red eyes sparkling with delight, he knew through my memories what todays nicknames for lovers were. He was quick to share them with his brothers, they were as oblivious as he was about them.

"Babe? Do you not like it?" I grimace shrinking back awkwardly making Aro quick to stop it.

"No I do! You can call me that all you wish belissima." He smiles that smile that anyone else would find creepy but oddly I find it comforting.

"Okay can we watch now pleaseeeee. Without any interruptions." I send a slight glare Caius' way leading him to roll his eyes but concede with a sigh and a nod. I pressed play with a small yay, however it was not to be. I got about half an hour in and suddenly it was paused.

Aro was up and scoffing, pacing back and forth the room, "Brother don't." Marcus knew the turmoil they'd all face if they ruined this and Aro was about to do just that.

"But they got it wrong! Whoever wrote this script, this film." He spat picking up the dvd case his rubies searching the back to try and find a name.

"What are you talking about it's the June rebellion. How can someone get that wrong? We literally have history books about it." I scoff feeling offended that my mate was ruining one of my favourites.

Aro is about to correct me with ferocity when Marcus stops him gripping onto the black haired man's hand, I watch with confusion as his eyes glaze over then shoot to me. Aro retracts his hand with a small grumble, "Sorry." He huffs pressing play and sitting down in silence.

I go to open your mouth when Marcus presses another kiss to my temple and urges me to take another one of the chocolates he's holding. I let whatever confusion I'm holding inside wash away before snuggling up to Caius who has his eyes closed completely ignoring everything that's happening around him. If he weren't a vampire I would have sworn that he was sleeping.

Some time later the last song is playing and I couldn't give a shit as I'm belting out the words along with all the characters, however it is once again disrupted when Lexi bursts through the door.

"Thea I love you but can you please shut up." She says making my body heat up with embarrassment, the tips of my ears tinging red.

"I apologise about her my Kings, my Queen." Felix is quick to pick Lexi up and speed away before anything else can be said. I watch as kat closes the door a small smile of amusement on her face making my cheeks turn an even darker shade.

"Tesoro?" Marcus tries, carefully placing his large hand on my arm.

"I'm fine." I sigh settling back down with a pout before pressing play. We all watch the ending in silence while my mind swirls into a tornado of self deprecation. I sometimes loose myself and forget that everyone in this entire friggin castle can hear me.

The movie ends and Caius is quick to turn off the tv, he tosses the remote somewhere in the room and wraps his arms around my form. His face nuzzling into my neck before a purring sound encases my senses, I gasp softly at his sudden display of affection. Not that pda is uncommon for the blonde king at all.

"I love you." The words from him have my eyes fluttering close, Caius was a little mean and definitely liked to tease but he knew exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. His hold was tight as he repeated the words over and over until he felt my body go limp, all of the tension disappearing. Exactly what I needed.

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