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I honestly was not in the mood for this, I hadn't had breakfast, I hadn't had enough sleep and now I had to deal with criminals. The only good thing about this was that I got to sit on Caius' lap.

"You have all the information Felix?" Aro asked the tall, well built man who nods with a yes master.

"Good, well best be on your way so we can start the trials." Aro says crossing one leg over the other. Felix and Lexi nodded, the red head gave a small smile my way which I returned before they left on their 'mission' to find out more about the book I found in the library.

Aro is very intrigued to find out who wrote the book and what other information they might hold.

I sigh tiredly and it's not missed by anyone in the room, "Jane dear, why don't you take our Queen to get Stefano for some breakfast? Bellisima?" Aro turned his head my way waiting for my response and I'm out of Caius' lap definitely quicker than he would have liked.

The blonde and I walk to the kitchen where I'm more than happy to have breakfast. Jane is quick to disappear probably not wanting to miss out on trials, sadist.

"So flower how are you fairing?" Stefano asks softly while he kneads the bread dough in front of him.

"Good, tired actually." I mumble, mouth full of cereal. He chuckles at the sight before him.

"Why don't you finish off that and go back to sleep for a bit hm? It is still early after all." He says cheerfully making me glance at the clock to my right above the big fridge.


"It is still early, I guess a bit more sleep won't hurt." I say gobbling down the rest of my cereal before waving bye to Stefano missing the small smirk on his face, my feet moving as quick as they can go until I'm in bed encased in the warmth and ready to tell anyone who wishes to stop me from falling back to sleep to fuck off.

Luckily for them, no one does. I drift off completely unaware of the vampires rushing around the castle.


"The Masters have requested for you to dine with them this evening Mistress." Kat gives me a smile completely ignoring the look of confusion on my face.

Chelsea and Heidi burst through the door and are quick to usher me into the shower. "You can't come out until you smell nice. Oo and don't forget to shave!"

"Chelsea!" I screech in embarrassment at her words, rolling my eyes when the two women giggle. I turn looking at the glass box before shrugging, I guess a shower won't hurt and plus blondie isn't letting me out until I do.

I take my time, washing my hair through, shaving what I need to and lathering my body in nicely scented body wash before getting out and doing the same with lotion until I felt smooth and soft.

"Alright I smell nice now can I come out!" I bang on the bathroom door only for it to open, Heidi on the other side with a smile on her face, she steps aside letting me walk into the room. The first thing I notice is my make up is all over the bed and Chelsea is organising it into piles, the next thing is most of my dresses were on the sofa.

"Come!" Heidi drags me to my white vanity, she's quick to turn on the hair dryer, once my hairs dry she grabs the curling iron. "I thought chunky curls would look great on you!" She squeals, it's so unlike her but sort of suits her too.

She did an amazing job though, the curls are big and bouncy and she made it so my fringe frames my face well. "Okay now my turn." Chelsea comes rushing over and starts applying foundation to my face.

I sit patiently my mind reeling at all the possibilities of what could be happening, I twiddle my thumbs with trepidation waiting for someone to tell me what the hell is going on. Like am I missing something?

"Is there a birthday or anniversary that I forgot?" I huff watching Chelsea smile softly at me.

"Thea," she giggles, "It's been a year since you met the Kings." She looks at me with expectation in her eyes.

Oh. My. God.

"How could I forget!" I pant sudden panic rushing through my viens as I stand clutching to my towel tightly, Chelsea is quick to sit me back down and continue fluffing powder across my skin.

"Calm down, the Masters have taken care of everything you just need to remember to smile and be happy. Simple." She shrugs adding a little blush, "andddd done." I turn to look in the mirror and damn she did a good job, I almost look flawless. She did everything to accentuate my facial features.

"Thanks Chels." She smiles at the nickname.

"Okay I'm thinking this one." Both of us turn to look at Heidi who's holding a dark red dress, it's a deep plunge, backless dress with thigh slits.

"Um no! Where did you even find that? That was in there?" I point to my closet as it dawned on me that my mates had stocked it. Of course, I'm betting it was Caius.

"Well I say yes. Chels?" Heidi raises her eyebrow looking towards blondie.


I'm handed the dress and pushed into the bathroom once more, with another fucking huff I change into the dress. I have to admit I look hot right now, the dress did wonders for my body outlining every curve. I leave the room to find blondie once more waiting for me with a pair of red stilettos.

I slip them on and finally I'm ready, glancing at the time I realise it's almost dinner time. Kat and Demetri catch my attention when they walk through the door.

"My Queen we're here to escort you to the Masters." Demetri says extending his arm toward my bedroom doors allowing me to walk passed them. The hallways of the castle seem to be getting longer and longer until we come to a stop.

"The kings are just through there." Kat says giving my arm a soft squeeze of reassurance before walking away. I take a deep breath and push open the big wooden double doors and the sight before me is something out of a fantasy.

Rose petals litter every inch of the room, the ambiance is absolutely gorgeous as candles give light letting me see my favourite meal waiting for me on a long large table. It's set with more candles, with a beautiful china plate and silver cutlery plus a fancy glass filled with wine.

It's not the only thing that comes into view but what I see steals my breath away, my heart begins pounding in my chest so hard I can hear it in my head, so hard I can taste blood in my throat.

"Oh-" I don't have the breath to continue with my and god because I have three gorgeous men wearing black suits in front of me on their knees side by side, each holding little boxes with rings in them.

The small red velvet boxes are fancy and from what I gather expensive. The rings that sit in each of them are silver, they are all thin and each shaped slightly different with very little diamonds.

"Althea Patrova, our mate, our love, our light. You have come into our lives at a time we most certainly didn't expect," Aro began from where he knelt in the middle.

"You have become everything we didn't know we needed, the truest perfection we have every seen in our three thousand years on this earth," Caius continued where Aro stopped from the raven haired King's right.

"Now we ask as three humble men, will you be ours for eternity, will you wear our rings as a sign to all others that you are ours and ours alone. Will you marry us?" Marcus on the left side of Aro is last to speak, is the one to ask the big question.

I have to cover my chest with my hands in hope that my heart stops pounding, I'm gonna need my pills if it doesn't stop, I haven't had to use them in a while and all hell would break loose if I did.

I guess there was only one thing left to say,


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