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The kings had finally agreed to let me watch a trial, Aro even let me sit in his chair, although I had to wear a big old dress. Just as the last criminal was disposed of a loud squawk and a thud surprised me. Aro tutted at the dead bird on the floor, ordering one of the lower guards to dispose of it.

"Stop!" I rushed towards the creature falling to my knees in front of it.

Something in me felt drawn to it. My hand reaching out, placing it on the animals chest. I felt something surge within me. I gasped at the power that flooded my veins.

That's when I heard the squawk. I looked down to find the bird looking up at me and prancing about before it flew away, any sign of death now gone. I stood and gaped at my hands in disbelief. I turned to see my mates looking at me in awe.

"Magnifico." Aro uttered dazed.

"What just happened?" I whispered more to myself than them.

"You have a gift cara mia." Aro grinned. I let out a breathless laugh, smiling brightly.

"A you?" I walked towards him. He nodded, my other two mates stood up and came close as I ascended the steps.

"You brought something dead back to life." Caius said sounding surprised. Both his and Marcus' hands found themselves on my back. Aro reached for my hands and I gave them up willingly. His eyes glazed over and his smile grew further.

"I can't believe I did that." I bit my bottom lip still smiling.

"You're incredible." Marcus kissed my cheek with a bright glint in his eyes. I couldn't help but giggle, not that I understood why I was giggling like an idiot.

"I think our precious mate is in shock." Aro brushed his hand against my cheek. I continued giggling, only to start sobbing. Now I was even more confused. Why was I crying?

"What's wrong with me?" I whimpered, scared of this sudden burst of emotion I was displaying. I felt tired too, like I didn't have any energy left. My heart was thumping too hard and my chest had began to hurt.

Oh no.

"Jane dear, fetch your Queen her medication." Aro commanded. She disappeared after saying 'yes master', only to return later with the pills and a bottle of water. She passed them to Caius who helped me take them. Aro ushered me to sit down on his throne. I felt so weak in that moment, when I glanced around the room I saw the guards staring at me looking worried.

Even murderous Felix and the scary twins seemed concerned. Marcus carded his fingers through my hair in a way to calm me.

"I don't understand." I gasped out after chugging down the rest of the water and finishing the bottle.

"Easy Tesoro. You need air right now." Marcus muttered softly.

"I need sleep." I replied more bluntly than I intended. The next second I was in Marcus' room and placed on his bed. "I'm sorry." I frowned at him.

"It's alright cosa dolce. Lay down now." I shook my head for a moment and walked over to his closet. Kicking off my heels that were practically killing me, I unzipped the dress and let it fall off me. Not bothering to put anything else on I made my way back to the bed.
He hummed in thought as I slipped under the covers.

"I have more than three thousand years worth of control and you still test my limits." He glanced over my now covered body.

"I'm not sure what you mean." I giggled with a blush covering my cheeks, soon falling asleep. I took a much needed nap and annoyingly woke up to raised voices.

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