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"So what's all this about?" I ask sitting down opposite the kings. I honestly felt much better after showering and having a bite of the bread that came with the soup Aro had brought me. I felt almost like a little bit of life had been brought back to me.

All three men exchanged glances having a mental conversation of who would go first, "I think I'll take this one." Caius grinned, though it dropped when Marcus tutted.

"No you won't." Marcus rolled his eyes ready to fight him on it. This was extremely important to Marcus, he wasn't going to let even Caius ruin it with his brazenness.

"Yes I will." Caius smirked and in a flash he was sitting behind me, placing me between his legs, mine hooked over his.

"Well this is new." I comment shifting a little to get comfortable, "I thought we were discussing something?" I ask softly turning to look up at the enticing blonde sat with his broad cold chest pressed against my back. If this was as serious as Marcus' face said it was, I didn't want to be sitting like this for it.

The flowery summer dress was a good idea when I had gotten out the shower all hot but now as his large pale hand began skidding across the skin of my thigh, good bumps rose in it's wake. A shiver racking down my spine. I was regretting it and not all at once.

Especially when Caius flipped the hem of the dress towards me leaving me exposed, all three kings inhaled sharply, "No panties, naughty girl." If anyone else had said that I'd have cringed hard, but spoken by Aro's husky lust filled voice, it had my teeth chewing on my lower lip.

"I-I just didn't-"

"No excuses babygirl." Caius' chest rumbled with a low growl, his black eyes couldn't decide where to look darting between my face and my heat.

"Where did you learn that word grandpa?" I giggle not expecting his hand to slide up around my neck, squeezing a little making my head fall back on his shoulder. If this was their version of serious conversation then I'd be happy to have them more often.

"Say it again coniglietto." He says lowly his lips tugging at my earlobe pulling a moan from me. My eyes flutter close, all the stress and sadness from the recent days fall away as soon as his fingers begin to rub tight circles on my clit.

"Caius." It's breathy and high pitched, the moan that's pulled from deep within my chest and it makes the man beneath me groan.

"Let's discuss shall we?" I can hear the stupid smirk that's gracing his plump lips. His gorgeous lips that can do sinfully wondrous things.

"To be simplistic while you're," Aro's words were cut off by my moan, my heated body writhing against Caius' cold one, hips bucking against his hand desperate for the release I hadn't had in a while, "distracted. We know that you want to have a baby sweet girl and we are happy to oblige."

At his words my eyes flung open and I gripped Caius' hand to get it to stop but Caius being well, Caius didn't dare. Flexing his fingers and speeding them up until my back began to arch pushing my chest out, eyes rolling back.

"Caius." Aro chided, and at the raven haired man's words the hand bringing me so much pleasure stopped making me whine frustrated at being left high and dry, so damn close too. "In a second Tesoro." Marcus cood gently as if it made me feel any better.

"We know it may not happen but we will do everything we can to research it and we are more than happy to put in the hard work it takes to make a baby." Caius chuckles poking at my waist making me giggle with a roll of my eyes.

"Of course you are." I shake my head with a smile, it soon dropped when I let my thoughts and worries get a hold on my happiness crushing it by the second. "You're all okay with this? I mean it's not like we were using protection before. Actually my contraceptive pill counts. I'd have to stop taking it and start taking those prenatal vitamins. Oh but what if it doesn't work, I'd have to-"

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