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One minute I'm falling down, down, down a rabbit whole of dreams and next Marcus has rushed beside me his cold hands on me soothing my hot sweaty skin, "What is it Tesoro?" He asks desperately needing to know the cause of my pain, but I'm panting too harshly to answer.

My chest starts to feel tight, too tight before it begins to hurt, I can't do anything to tell him. No matter how hard I try I can't get the words out, I pat my chest instead looking at him pleadingly hoping he gets the message.

He doesn't.

But thank the lords my raven haired mate decides to show up at the right time, just as my chest starts burning Aro has his hand on mine before acting quickly to give me two of my pills and the drink that sat on the bed side table.

I take them as best I can while I'm still panting, it takes me a little while to calm down but once I do I notice that what I'm hearing isn't English, it's fucking Italian as Aro communicates with Marcus and Caius.

I lean back against Marcus' large chest hoping to relax a little while they all talk gibberish, my eyes glance at the sparkle on my finger. Part of me still can't believe it, I'm engaged, to three men I loved more than anything.

It's going to take some getting used to, I didn't even realise how big of an event my wedding day is going to be until Heidi and Chelsea bombarded me yesterday with all the wedding planner shit.

Both of them carrying magazines and folders filled to the brim with all sorts, like locations, dresses, flowers and more. It didn't even occur to me that wedding planning was as stressful as it was until then, they were trying their best to be patient with me asking me what kind of dress I wanted when all I was thinking about was the night I said yes.

"Yes." The world seemed to stop around me as happiness consumed my very being, three thin sparkly rings are slid onto my fourth finger left hand, they all fit perfectly together and I realise they are made that way just like myself and my mates.

"I love you all." I blink away the happy tears from my eyes before kissing each one of them. My kings couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces for the rest of the evening, not while I ate, not while we chatted and especially not while we...

"Tesoro?" I shake away my thoughts to look at my fiancés, they're all looking at me with worry and something else I can't quite put my finger on, maybe guilt? What have they done to feel that?

"What's wrong?" I ask gripping onto my brunette mate's big hand.

"Do you want to talk about what caused your anxiety attack?" Caius asked trying to soften his voice as best he could. Suddenly all the images of my dream flash through my head once more.

"It's nothing." I mumble while playing with Marcus' fingers.

"Are you sure you don't wish to share with us?" Aro inquires an almost pleading undertone to the question.

"It might make you feel more at ease." Marcus' chest rumbles against my back as he speaks, his lips pressing a kiss into my hair.

"I don't want to upset you." I whisper even though I know they can hear me loud and clear.

"What do you mean Tesoro?"

"It started out as a dream, we were married and I was pregnant," I felt Marcus stiffen behind me and regret begins to seep into my veins but I pushed myself, "we were all human I think, but then things turned dark. Your eyes turned red a-and..." I trailed off not wanting to finish my sentence, I've never wanted my mates to think I'm scared of them and if I tell them the ending they might think just that.

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