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It was quiet, too quiet for my liking. At one point I even pondered if I had fallen deaf, then the clock tower bell sounded making me jump up from the bed where I had been for the majority of the day. Maybe I was overthinking and they were just really busy, right?

I woke up alone thinking my mates were in trials, when I asked Katerina, she said she didn't know where they were. After checking the throne room and Aro's office and coming up empty, I started to panic. Had I been too forward yesterday? Had my confession last night put them off me?

It wasn't until Katerina had suggested the downstairs trial room, that reminded me of a dungeon, I would have lost all hope. They were locked in there, with Santiago and Demetri standing outside the double doors.

"Move for you Queen." Katerina glared Santiago's way. I'll ask about that later.

"I apologise My Queen. The Kings are busy." Demetri said while Kat and Santiago had a staring competition.

"Busy?" He nodded, too busy to see me? "Oh." There was nothing else to say, what was the point in causing a ruckus.

"They're most likely really, really busy." Katerina tried and failed to comfort me. I ended up back in bed sulking about my mates not wanting to spend time with me. Around two hours later...

"I can't stand it anymore! Tesoro, I'm so sorry we couldn't see you earlier." Marcus burst through the doors with his brothers trailing behind him.

"Marcus." Aro sighed.

"You could feel her hurting as well brother. I was not the only one breaking my cold exterior." Marcus scoffed, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Felt me hurting?" I sat up with a frown.

"We can feel your emotions as if they were our own. Did we upset you a lot, Carissima?" Caius tilted his head reminding me of a puppy.

"Why couldn't you see me?"

"Messy business with a dangerous criminal." Aro answered, his red eyes boring into my natural ones. It seemed like he was almost waiting for me to question his answer.

"Okay." I shrugged. I knew two things for sure, One. My mates were keeping something from me. And two, there was no in hell I was going to stop until I found out what it was.

A few days passed and I still hadn't found out anything, I even recruited Heidi, Chelsea and Katerina to help me find out more but alas we found nothing. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder while the trials were going on.

"This is the last one, then we'll go and fetch you some dinner Carissima." Caius said looking over at me while I sat on Marcus's lap, head in the clouds. I nodded, perking up when I heard the promise of food.

"Let go of me you small pricked little men! I didn't do anything wrong!" My heart leapt at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Lexi?" I stood from my brunette mates' lap, he grabbed my hand stopping me from moving any closer.

"Oh my god, Thea!" The red head looked shocked beyond reason to see me. Her once baby blues, now a deep red colour. Vampire.

"What are you doing here?" I went to step forward when I felt Marcus' cold arm slide around my waist pulling my back to his chest.

"That's what I would like to know." She eyed the position I had been pulled into.

"Amore, this is the young red head from your memories?" Aro inquired, I nodded.

"How do you know her?" Marcus' low rumble had me preening.

"We were in the foster system together." I answered, reaching up to lap my hand over his.

"We used to stay up all night, buzzed on monster." Lexi laughed at the memory. She'd get her older friend to buy the canned caffeinated fizzy drinks only for us to drink them all in one night.

"Monster?" Caius cringed at the sentence.

"It's a drink." We said at the same time.

"Carissima, unfortunately your friend was caught feeding within the city walls. As you know that's one of our rules." I looked between Caius and Lexi, understanding what he was saying but not accepting it.

"What rules?" Lexi tried to tug her arms away from Felix's hold. Failing miserably.

"You did not know?" Marcus questioned her with such a tone that made me forget he was the softer one of my mates.

"I don't know about any rules, I became a vampire two months ago by someone who tried to kill me. I haven't been taught anything, I've had to figure it out on my own." She confessed. I pulled away from Marcus and gave Felix a look. He let go of her cautiously.

"Lexi, there are things you need to know in order to survive as a vampire. Would you be willing to join the Volturi to find out?" I asked softly.

"Sure, as long as you tell me what the Volturi is." She smiled.

"Deal," I turned to my lovers, "looks like we have a new member of the Volturi." They seemed pleased at this decision.

"Felix can you show Lexi to her new room please. I'll be up shortly." He nodded waiting for the red head to turn around. When she did,

"Fuck, what the fuck is that?" Lexi screeched at the feeling inside of her.

"Mate." Felix growled loudly.

"How wonderful. Felix has found his mate at last." Aro gleefully cheered. He could be such a child sometimes.

"Okay, Felix why don't you show her to your room." I giggled, from what Chelsea had told me about when two vampire mates meet for the first time, things were going to get interesting. And I was proved right when Lexi jumped on Felix, their lips meeting just before they disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Well I think this has been a very productive day, don't you?" The kings chuckled in agreement. "Now I remember the promise of food when the last trial ended. Where are we with that?" I rocked back and forth on my heels, hands clasped behind my back.

"You truly are a cheeky thing aren't you." It wasn't a question, but a statement from my raven haired mate.

"I prefer the term vixen." I smirked with a winked. "Now," I turned to Demetri, jumping on his back. "Onward thy trusty steed. To the kitchen!"

"You didn't just—"

"Shush, trusty steeds don't talk, they run or gallop or whatever." Demetri shook his head in utter disappointment before speeding off.

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