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Music blared in her ears, Queen's I want to break free making her feel even more happy than she already was with her head lying on her arms against the window ledge. The car moving quicker, such a gorgeous breeze in such heat.

"Thea!" A tap on her leg finally got her attention.

"Yeah mom?" She looked up at her mother who had turned round from her passenger seat next to her father who was driving.

"Would you like to do the clock tower tour first or later this afternoon?" Her mom's brown hair blew in the wind, all tossled but she still looked pretty. Her unenthusiastic tone making Thea frown.

"Hey I want to go to the fancy bakery first!" Addam waves the leaflet filled with information about the bakery he wants to visit around in his hand. Thea rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Why don't I go to the clock tower tour and you guys can go to the bakery." She said watching her Mom's eyes light up like Christmas at the sound of that.

"That's a great idea!" She smiled, "Our little girl has truly matured." She clasped her hands together with a giggled.

"Our little girl." Addam fluttered his lashes sighing in imitation of his mother. Thea punching his arm and laughing.

"She's twenty one." Your dad chuckled shaking his head at his wife. Thea rolled her eyes pushing her earphone back in her ear.

Twenty minuets later she had bid farewell to her family and about five Queen songs later she found herself at the large doors to the Clocktower, her music still blasting only this time it was Castle by Halsey. It seemed she was late for the tour despite how quickly she ran, with a shake of her head she pushed the door open and went inside.

An eerie chill ran down her spine, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. The place was empty even with the beautiful art on the walls by someone called Caius whoever that was.

Thea ventured further in, her summer dress flowing gently in the breeze from the open door behind her, the melody in her ears making her feel on edge but she didn't want to look at her phone to change the song right this very moment.

She was more interested in the architecture in front of her, the beautiful walls and ceilings. She knew whoever built this took the time and effort to make it spectacular.

Turning round a corner she found a set of stairs, they were pretty large and seemed to lead down to a dark end. She gulped and took the first step, her feet taking her down down down.

She soon found herself in a dark hallway, the place only lit by real fire. It swirled in orange delight in the metallic fire pits specifically placed so it wasn't too light and wasn't too dark.

Looking both ways like crossing the street Thea decided to turn right her whole body starting to tingle the further she walked. Her breath hitched when she reach a set of doors, maybe this was the so called dungeon that was in the clock tower tour leaflet.

She pushed them both open not knowing she had just brought everyone's attention on her, every single pair of eyes in the room were now on her.

And to some twisted fucker out there in the universe who thought it was hilarious, white rabbit by the Baltic House Orchestra started blaring in her ears.

Her eyes scanned the situation in front of her, no tour but a bunch of people in suits spread out across the room. Two men in the middle holding a man down on his knees while another man with long raven hair stood in front of him like some sort of king.

What seemed to be thrones behind the weird situation, two people sat there. One man with blonde hair on the right with a sadistic glint in his eyes. The man on the left with long brown hair looked bored beyond reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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