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True to their words the Kings spent their time either researching vampire-human pregnancy, or trying to actually get me pregnant or hounding Dimitri to see if he had any news on my brother. So many different guards had been sent out to find any news themselves.

So far it was just a waiting game until one of them returned not empty handed. Part of me was secretly hoping they wouldn't find anything, I was so scared to know the truth.

It had been about four days since our 'serious conversation' and we were almost home from our time away. I still felt the pain from my parents death and possible brothers death but my mates were helping me to be distracted.

"When we get back to the castle we have a Skype call with my doctor friend Carlisle Cullen." Aro said tapping away at his iPad from where he sat in the car opposite me, Marcus next to him.

"Cullen? As in the people Caius despises?" I asked my brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yes." Caius growled from where he was sat next to me arms wrapped around my form, since starting to 'try' my mates have been hard to get away from. Not that I wanted to and not that it wasn't like that before but this was something else.

Something on an entirely new level.

"And he's going to have information on a human-vampire pregnancy?" I asked raising my eyebrow and certainly not missing the way Jane gave me a quick glance.

"Carlisle helped Isabella Cullen through her pregnancy he knows more about this than anyone." Aro replied not sounding too happy about it.

"I see." I nodded, thinking for a moment. "I know a lot has happened recently and things have changed but I still want to marry you, that is one thing that will never change."

Caius groaned in my ear squeezing me tighter, "I don't know how many more times I'll say it, you are pure perfection carina." He nipped at my ear making me squirm and giggled against him.

"Don't worry Tesoro we've already put Heidi and Chelsea to work. They know you very well and you can schedule as many meetings as you'd like to make any changes you want." Marcus smile softly red eyes boring into mine, I flashed him a smile in thanks to which he gave me a slow nod.

"Well when you're not occupied that is." Caius chuckled darkly against the skin of my neck, his hand beginning to move around my body, touching, caressing, grabbing.

"Caius." I gasped feeling his finger pull and flick at my nipple. Instantly I heard something that sounded like a window rolling up, looking around only to find Jane had rolled up the separation in the limo.

"Relax Mia Regina." He purred continuing to play with my body. "This must be done frequently." The blonde king snarled, a primal look taking over his eyes.


It is interesting how things can change so very quickly, how you're alone and unloved, numb but so very used to it, then suddenly someone is there. Loving you, making you feel things beyond your dizziest daydreams, making your life happier, easier. Simply better.

In my case it was three men. Three remarkable, dangerous vampire Kings. They lifted me up, made my life worth living, revitalised me. All three of them invited a sense of life within me, the very sense of life that snuffed out the moment Aro had told me about my brother. A brother I'm not even sure existed, yet I mourned him, I desperately screamed and cried like he was the most important thing in my life.

So you can imagine it was more than difficult, a disgustingly bitter pill to swallow when the news suddenly arrived, that the man was alive and well, in the form of my brother.

The man who was a stranger to me, who I'd only had a glimpse of as a child was stood in front of me staring into my soul with his forest green eyes, the same as mine. He even had my nose. Our Father's nose. I was at a loss for words, I tried but nothing came out until, that is, he began to talk.

"Sister." He greeted me, so warmly as if it was a word we called each other everyday. He even smiled like not a day had gone by since we last seen each other, let alone years.

"I'd like to start if I may by asking you something." He seemed so refined and poised yet relaxed too as if he wasn't surrounded by vampires. His brown hair was darker than what I remembered from my memory, it was slicked back and smart. He wore a suit, black also smart. He looked well taken care of.

I nodded still not having found my voice, he smirked? "What on earth made you think I wanted to be found by you?"

My heart dropped as did my face. The question was certainly one I wasn't ready for, definitely one I wasn't expecting or prepared for when Chelsea and Heidi woke me up this morning, did my makeup and dressed me fancily. I simply thought it would be a trial and I suppose it was now. My own trial as it seems.

"What do you mean?" I asked my brother, if I could even call the stranger that.

"God you even sound like them." He laughed, it was cruel and harsh as he sneered at the men around me. "I mean," he rolled his eyes. It hurt. Cut me deep, like the sharpest knife. My mother's eyes mocking me with such distaste, he wielded that power so dangerously. "I didn't need to be found nor did I wished to be especially not by you, my dear elder sister."

The way he said it, the revulsion he used with what was meant to be a term of endearment. It crushed me. How was I meant to answer that? What was I to say? He was my brother of course I wanted to find him. The real question was, why wouldn't I?

Once again staring into the eyes of my mother, though there was no love and no likeness, something inside me snapped, like the snap of someone's fingers. I stood abruptly from Aro's throne, the seat he'd given up for me to sit in and took a step forward so I was on the middle step of the stairs.

"I don't know what you've experienced of life, brother. I don't know where you were. Who you were with. I didn't even know you existed let alone that you were alive. So forgive me if I wished to know you were okay. To know you didn't have a hard life." My voice broke as I bit back the tears stinging threateningly at my eyes, "To know that my last living relative had survived hardships the same as I."

The guilt that flashed over his face at my words and my tears, was too momentary to say it mattered. He glowed like he knew he'd won something, I didn't know what that something was and I certainly didn't want to find out.

"You can leave." The three savage words had my mate's eyes all on me. "You didn't wish for me to find you as you so eloquently put it, so go and don't come back, Brother." I gritted my teeth, my hands balled into fists. I steeled myself and my expression, I couldn't show the weakness I had moments ago. This was part of being, well being The Queen.

He seemed to be thinking for a moment, his eyes squinted, brow furrowed. Then he smiled, soft and warm. The first bit of warmth I'd felt from him since he arrived. "I see it now, the royalty." He scoffed, "Goodbye then, Thea."

It broke my heart once more to watch him walk away knowing I wouldn't see him ever again. But I also felt relieved? Though I'm not entirely sure why.

"Goodbye Addam."

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