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A very excited zombie was running around his room collecting all the things he needed for the day.

"Hi! My names Ej, and yeah i'm a zombie." He said looking into the camera. "Today is a big day for us zombie kids, it the first day we can attend human high school at East High!"

"Ej come down and eat something before you leave!" His father yelled from downstairs.

He looked at the camera smiling before grabbing his bag.

Ej sat down at the kitchen table as his father brought him his breakfast. "Try this son, I call it brains in a can." Cash said as he poured some on his plate. "It's made out of cauliflower."

Ej took a bite of his food getting the taste. "Dad this taste like dirty gym sneakers."

"I know, isn't it great?!" He asked as he poured some on his own plate. Cash looked at the seat next to Ej that was still empty.

"I knew I should have woke her up earlier." He walked in the hallway standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Nini come on you're food will get cold!"

"I'm coming!" She yelled back down.

Upstairs in her room was Nini, Ej's younger sister. She looked at herself in her cracked mirror making sure she looked decent.

"I have to make sure I look my best today, because I'm going to try out for the cheer squad!" Nini said confidently.

The camera panned over to her backpack that had a stuffed dog sticking out of it. She quickly grabbed it pulling it out.

"This is my dog Xander! Well..my stuffed dog." She whispered covering his ears. "I want a real dog but zombies aren't allowed to have them, humans think we might try and eat them." She said rolling her eyes.

"Here's some breakfast for you, my little zombie angel." Cash said as he poured what was left in the pan on his daughter's plate. Nini took a bite not forgetting to "feed" Xander.

"Listen kids, I'm not so sure about this whole football and cheer thing, you know?"

Ej and Nini had this talk many times ever since it was announced zombies would be able to attend human school. Cash was a very strict man, but he loved his children with all his heart and just wanted to keep them safe.

"It might be too much." He continues. "I mean, you're great kids, it's just you haven't spent a whole lot of time around humans and, humans don't really like zombies." He says worriedly.

"That's just cause they haven't met me yet." Ej says confidently

"Us." Nini corrected.

On the human side of Salt Lake kids we're getting ready for their first day of school. Many of them weren't too excited hearing that zombies would be going to school with them. Well there was one person who didn't mind at all.

"Give me an F, give me an I, give me an R-S-T. It's the first day of freshman year for me, me, me!" A curly haired cheerleader chanted as he stood in front of his mirror.

"Hi! I'm Ricky and i'm so excited for the first day of school! I'm going to try out for the cheer squad, I think I have a chance of making the team." The camera focuses on the shelves behind Ricky filled with trophies and medals.

"My parents have put me in cheer camp since I could walk." Ricky smiled as the camera focused on him again. "This is gonna be my year!"

Ricky looked at himself in mirror, mostly focusing on his hair. He caught a strand of white hair sticking out and quickly stuck it under his wig.

He's always had white hair since he was born, doctors can't explain it. They say it's some rare genetic thing. He's tried everything but nothing sticks. His parents made him wear a wig so he could fit in more and look like everyone else.

Ricky walked downstairs to the kitchen, where he was met with his parents. His dad Mike was the chief of the zombie patrol and his mom, Lynne was the mayor.

"Cheer tryouts today! Are you excited? " Mike asked his son as he sipped on his coffee.

"I am so fired up." Ricky replied sitting down at the table.

Lynne walked over to the kitchen table taking a seat. "Ricky, you know that Salt Lake has won every cheer championship since forever." Lynn tells him.

"Yup she's right." Mike agrees.

"But now that city council's having our zombies in our schools we need cheer harder than ever. As mayor I beseech you, you make that team and win that cheer championship!"

Ricky stared at his mother like she was crazy. "Beseech me? Really, mom?" He said taking a bite from his toast.

"Yeah that was a bit too much Lynne." Mike said looking up from his newspaper. He then turned to his son. "Nothing's gonna stop you, Ricky."

"As long as you keep that wig on." His mom reminded him.

"Oh yes, of course. As long as you keep that wig on." Mike said agreeing with his wife, although he'd rather see his son's true self.

Right, nothing can go wrong as long as I keep this on. Ricky thought to himself. He finished his breakfast then walked out the door looking around his perfect neighborhood.

"This is gonna be my year."

hey guys hope you all enjoyed  just a reminder that i'm rewriting all the chapters so they can be better and more hsmtmts related. :)
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- caswen4life

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