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After East High won their first game zombies became popular at school, so popular that other everyone was sitting with them at lunch.

Ricky watched happily from his table as people started talking to Ej. It was about time people saw the zombies as normal.

"Let's go sit with them!" Big Red suggested.

Ricky, Gina and Seb nodded their heads before standing up walking over their table. Jack saw this and quickly got up from his seat, stomping towards them.

"Where do you think you guys are going?" He asked crossing his arm.

"Oh we were just going to sit over there." Seb said cheerfully pointing to the zombie table.

Jack looked back at the zombies in disgust. "You're either pro cheerleader or pro zombie, decide now."

They all stared at him in disbelief. "What that's not fair!" Gina argued.

"It's your choice...not you I don't care what you do." He said looking at Big Red.

The redhead looked at the others not sure if he should stay with them or go off. As if Ricky could read his mind he smiled at him nodding his head. "It's ok Red, you can go."

He hesitated for a moment, giving them all a look that said 'good luck' before going off with the zombies.

When he got to their table he looked at Ashlyn and smiled. "Is it ok if I join you guys?" Big Red asked blushing hard.

Ej smiled nodding his head. "Yeah-"

"Of course you can!!" Ashlyn said also blushing making room next to her.

He sat down next to her smiling at her. He wished his friends would get out of that situation soon.

"So I'm guessing you guys want to be cut from the team?" Jack asked the three of them.

"I choose cheer!" Seb said quickly.

It was understandable, this was Seb's only chance to follow his dreams and be a flyer.

Bucky then turned his head to Gina. She looked over her shoulder at Nini, she'll find a way to talk to her. "I choose cheer." She mumbled

It was now Ricky's turn to decide. It wasn't fair he wanted to be around Ej, he lo- liked him a lot.

"Jack you don't understand-" Ricky started before getting cut off.

"What's it gonna be!" He raised his voice startling him.

"I...I wanna be a cheerleader, that's all I ever wanted." Ricky said looking at his cousin.

Jack smirked nodding his head, he knew how to get his way. "Good." He walked away and sat at his seat smiling to the other cheerleaders.

Ricky was on the verge of tears, he couldn't talk to Ej anymore, he didn't know what he was going to do.

"Hey Ricky!" Ej yelled, waving from his seat.

That caused the tears to fall from Ricky's eyes before he ran out the cafeteria, with Gina and Seb following him.

Ej watched as Ricky ran away with a frown on his face. Now he was worried about what made the boy so upset.

"It's Jack." Big Red said, noticing Ej's frown. "He made them choose between you guys and cheer."

Of course Jack was behind all this. Ej glared at Jack who was glaring right back at him. This wasn't fair, lo-likes Ricky and now he can't even see him.

"The zombie trend will pass, they're not going to win another football game." Jack said to the rest of the cheerleaders at the table before stabbing his salad aggressively.

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