- fourteen -

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Ej couldn't believe it, he was walking freely amongst the humans. No scared or disgusted looks we're thrown his way, and thankfully no Z-patrol.

Ricky couldn't believe it either. Here he was walking hand in hand with Ej, just like they said they would someday.

"Like I said, a proper date." Ej smiled as they stopped in front of their destination, the local ice cream shop.

Ej had held the door open for his date like a gentleman. At least that's what they did in the movies. Ricky blushed before walking in the shop. Ej was about to follow him in but he felt a sharp pain start at his wrist and go up his arm.

The zombie boy held his wrist close hissing in pain. When Ricky saw Ej wasn't behind and still outside, he walked over to the door stepping back outside.

"Are you okay?" The cheerleader questioned, concerned for Ej.

"Yeah, yeah I'm all good." Ej winced trying to sound convincing.

"I'm not stupid. I know Ej's not okay... I just wish he would stop lying to me." Ricky said annoyed and concerned.

The camera pans over to Ej who isn't looking too great. "I don't think he notices I'm in pain." Ej smiled pulling his sleeve down. "I should be an actor 'cause I'm hiding this well." Ej said proudly.

The two love birds sat down at a table. Ricky picked up the menu and began reading off the flavors they had.

"Vanilla, Vanilla, Double vanilla.
Can you guess what the last one is?" Ricky looked up from the menu.

"Hmm, I'll guess...Vanilla."

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Ricky asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You guys got a wide variety of vanilla." Ej stated making the curly haired boy giggle.

The waiter arrived at their table handing them their vanilla ice cream. Ej found it funny that the waiter didn't even ask what they wanted, but they did only sell vanilla ice cream.

"This is so boring." Ricky mumbled playing with ice cream.

Ej scooped up some ice cream on his spoon, putting it in his mouth. The sweet flavors made his eyes light up, it was like fire works exploded in his mouth. They had no flavor like this over in Zombies Town.

"If you won't finish that I will." Ej spoke, ice cream dripping down the side of his mouth.

Ricky rolled his eyes smiling as he grabbed a napkin and cleaned the side of Ej's mouth like a parent did to their child.

"I've always wanted to come here." The football player said watching his crush concentrate on cleaning his mess. "Now finally here I am,with you, on a date! This is so great."

"Is it, Eej?" Ricky asked settling in his seat.

"I mean, yeah. Look at us, we're together." Ej thought Ricky would at least be somewhat happy about all this.

"You're forced to be someone you're not Ej. Here and on the football field."

"So? You wear a wig to fit in. Why can't I do the same thing with my Z-band?" Ej stated in an annoying tone.

The cheerleader's eyes were filled with hurt. How could Ej bring up his situation, it's different, non life threatening.

"It's not right, we're changing ourselves but what needs to change is everybody else."

Ej knew Ricky was right, but he wanted to fit in. He needed to fit in. Ej reached out across the table to hold Ricky's hand.

"Ricky, we're gonna make this work, okay? Trust me." Ej said softly while rubbing the back of Ricky's hand with his thumb.

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