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The time had finally come, it was Ej's first football game. Was he nervous? Yes, very... but he had his family and friends there to support him! Plus a cute cheerleader ready to cheer him on.

"All right boys, we got this. Let's go East High!" Ej cheers trying to hype up the team.

They all riled their eyes or laughed at him as they got in there positions. "Hey, be my guest the zombie is all yours." One of the East High players whispered to the other team.

The whistle blew and and the ball was thrown to Ej. He started to run before he was tackled to the ground by the other team.

"Ok that hurt, ow." Ej groaned laying on the ground.

"The zombie is down, let's go! Five, six, seven, eight!" Jack celebrated as the cheerleaders did one of their cheer.

"Looks like the East High Wildcats are doing what they do best! Losing!" The sports announcer said.

Ricky rolls his eye moving closer to the field. "Come on Ej." He said out loud. He believed in him, he knew he could do it.

On the bleachers sat Nini, Mr. Caswell, Ashlyn, Carlos and Kourtney watching Ej.

"Set! Hut!" Ej yelled getting the ball, but soon being tackled to the ground again.

Nini tried to pay attention to her brother's game but she was more focused on the cheerleaders down below. She wish she could be down there.

"At least the cheerleaders are amazing." She spoke up. "Go Wildcats!" She cheered shaking make believe pom poms in the air.

Gina looked up at the bleachers smiling at Nini. Nini looked back at her smiling before sending her a little wave, the curly haired girl waved back turning around, her cheeks pink.

It was finally half time and the Wildcats weren't doing great at all. The players walked into the locker room as Coach Mazzara walked up to the chalkboard.

"Here's what you need to do, okay? I'm only gonna draw this once so pay attention."

All the boys looked at the coach, but none of them really cared, they knew they were going to loose anyways. It's what they do best after all.

"All you have to do.... is move forward! Move all the way forward!" Coach Mazzara was aggressively drawing multiple arrows pointing up.

All the boys glared at Ej making the boy look down. It wasn't his fault, but with all the glares he got he thought maybe he was doing something wrong.

"Look we all know we're gonna lose, so let's go out there and...lose better? Go team." The man was stressed.

As the players walked to the exit they made sure to bump into Ej knocking him over

"What going on out there!" Coach asked stressed.

"I- I don't know, coach." Ej wanted to make coach proud. "Maybe it's team chemistry, but honestly I'm not sure the team is actually blocking for me."

He was right, his teammates weren't blocking for him. Coach Mazzara thought about it too, maybe that was the reason.

"Hey Ej I thought we had a deal." Principal Jenn stood at the door way. "Win this game or it's back to the basement." She threatened with a disappointed look on her face.

She then turned to Coach Mazzara looking annoyed. "Oh hey coach, great idea now people hate us and we're losing." She rolls her eyes leaving the locker room.

Ej disappointed coach, and Principal Jenn. Now all the zombies will have to back in the basement, that means they can't do human activities and sports at school.

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