- sixteen -

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After the incident the Zombies were taken to the station where they were held for 3 hours.

Once they were done being monitored, they were dropped off in Zombie Town where their families were waiting for them.

"We spent some time in zombie containment...which was not fun. Ej rolled his eyes.

"But it's all my fault. I thought I was doing something right by doing something wrong." He sighed looking down at the ground . He felt bad he caused all of this trouble.

"Now all zombies are getting software updates. No more tweaking them."

The Zombies stepped out the truck and got their hand cuffs taken off. Ej looked down at his Z-band walking over to Carlos.

"Carlos look, they have Wi-Fi now." Ej smiled trying to lighten the mood.

Carlos just glared at him not amused. Ej's smile dropped as he took a space back from his friend. "Too soon?"

"Cheerleaders steal my computer, sabotage everything, yet zombies get the blame." Ashlyn crossed her arms. She would probably never get her computer back after this.

"It was stupid of us to think humans were gonna change." Kourtney scoffed. "They hate Zombies and they always will."

Kourtney walked to her mother, who was waiting for her with a hug. Ashlyn wiped her tears before heading to her her parents, she knew they would have lots of questions.

Ej walked over to his sister. She hadn't said a word since they got arrested. He knew how traumatizing this whole experience must have been for her and all of them.

"You know what?" Carlos spoke up. "We tried doing it the nice way, now it's time to do it my way."

Ej and Nini looked at each other with concern and confusion. What did he even mean by that?

"We'll have a zombie uprising. Force them to make us equal or we tear it all down."

Before the two got a chance to respond Carlos was already marching to his parents.

Ej turned to his younger sister who was still silent. "You ok Neens?" He asked softly.

She just nodded her head before walking to their house. Ej knew she wasn't okay, none of them were after today.

They walked side by side to their house. Ej wouldn't admit it, but he was terrified of what his dad would say to him once they got home. He knew he would be angry with him.

Once they opened the gate to their house Cash rushed out the door embracing his daughter in a tight hug. "Go inside, we'll be right in." He told her making Ej more nervous.

Nini listened to her father, running inside and shutting the door behind her.

The football player took a deep breath in before walking up to his father. He kept his head down too scared to look him in the eyes.

"Dad I-"

"What were you thinking! Huh?" Cash roared grabbing his son by his jersey. "You could have died adjusting your z-band, Ej."

Ej tried to hold back his tears. He could just see the disappointment all over his face, and the last thing Ej wanted was to disappoint his father. Cash noticed Ej's face and let go of his shirt, placing his hands on his shoulders and lowering his voice.

"You don't have to change who you are son. I love who you are."

"Yeah but the humans don't."

Cash sighed before wrapping his son in a hug. "Let's go inside with your sister."

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