- seventeen -

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Everybody was at the cheer championship. Many teams have gone up already showing their routines they've been practicing for months. It was almost time for the wildcats to go on and let's just say, they were not okay.

"We're up next." Jack said jumping on his toes.

"How is this gonna work? We're not even half a team." Antoine gulped watching the team before him.

Jack turned to his team forcing a smile on his face. "We'll be great!" He encouraged them. "I can feel it in my gut. It feels like a pit in my stomach."

"Well, that is not good Jack, you're nervous.." Lily commented making Jack's face go white.

"We're gonna crush this!" He said his voice cracking.

The squad just nodded their heads knowing Jack was close to losing his mind.

Up in the bleachers, Ricky, Gina, Seb and Big Red were watching all the other teams. Ever since Ricky revealed he had white hair people gave him dirty glares, but surprisingly he didn't care.

"I can't believe I dreamed about being a flyer." Seb scoffed. "That was a stupid dream."

"Hey don't be hard on yourself Sebby, you will fly someday." Gina comforted the blonde boy by rubbing his back.

"Yeah as soon as this town gets over itself." Ricky mumbled causing the group to raise their eyebrows at him.

"I thought your mom didn't want you out in public with your real hair." Big Red said as this was his first time seeing his friend's hair up close.

"She doesn't, but she can't make me hide it anymore." Ricky

"I don't see why you're mom wants you to hide it. It suits you well." Gina said gently pulling on one of the curls in front of his face. She let go of the curl causing it bounce a little like a spring.

Ricky's parents were sitting a couple seats in front of him and his friends. Mrs. Bowen had looked back at him a couple times with a disappointed. Ricky rolled his eyes at that, his mom was making a big deal out of nothing.

Mr. Bowen turned around in his seat giving him an apologetic smile. Although Ricky was mad at his dad for sending Ej away he was very supportive of his white hair. Before his father left the house he told him how proud he was of him.

Ricky returned a small smile before turning back to his friends.

"She can't make me leave this seat, nothing can. My dad's whole patrol couldn't get me out of this seat if they tried. Ricky joked, but he knew those adults together were stronger than him.

"I don't know Ashlyn, he has to be here somewhere." Ricky heard from under the bleachers.

He peaked over the railing to see Ej with Nini, Kourtney and Ashlyn under him. They all looked worried about something and Ricky was eager to find out. He also just wanted to see Ej.

"There!" Nini yelled pointing to something Ricky couldn't see.

"It's Ej!" Ricky cheered turning to his friends.

"What's he doing here?" Seb questioned.

"I don't know... Um, I'm gonna leave my seat." He told his friends before running off.

Even though Ricky said he wasn't leaving his seat earlier, he just had to see Ej.

"Hey! No, no, no!" Ej yelled as he ran up to Carlos the others following behind him.

"Carlos put that away!" Kourtney ordered slapping the screwdriver out of his hands.

"Hey!" Carlos gasped "That was rude."

"Carlos, you can't do this." Nini said kicking the tools far away from him.

Carlos had an innocent smile plastered on his face. He looked around his friends confused. "What do you mean? I'm enjoying the cheer championship." He lied.

"You're going to sabotage it." Ashlyn scoffed.

"Wow I'm deeply offended guys, I'd never..." Before Carlos could finish Ashlyn showed the pages of Carlos' notebook.

"Okay, maybe just a little sabotage." He gave up.

"Carlos-" Ej said sternly.

"Oh look it's your little boyfriend!" Carlos changed the subject pointing behind Ej.

Ej turned around quickly, his lightened up as he saw his crush running up to him. "Ej!"

Suddenly he wasn't so stressed about his friend almost ruining the cheer championships. Ricky jumped into Ej's arms wrapping his arms tight around him.

"I've missed you so much." Ricky whispered as Ej put him down.

"I've missed you too."

They're moment was interrupted by a cough. The two turned around to look at their friends. Ricky blushes sending them a small wave.

"Ricky the hair is so cute." Kourtney complimented making the boy smile.

The rest of them crowded around him admiring his hair. Ej smiled at this, seeing Ricky happy made him happy.

No one was paying attention to Carlos so he took the opportunity to grab a hammer from his bag. Ej quickly turned his head stopping him before he could hit the generator.

"Ruining the cheer championship is only gonna prove their worst fears. That zombies are monsters." Ej said holding his arm back.

"They think that anyway." Ricky stepped in. "At least you have the guts to stand up for yourself. I say do it."

"Okay you know what, Ricky?You're not gonna change my mind...Wait, you agree with me?" Carlos asked surprised.

Ricky nodded his head proudly. He wanted to break the rules, show humans that being different was okay and not a bad thing. And if destroying the Cheer Championship was the way to do it, then count him in.

"Okay, I like this guy now." Carlos smirked being to search for another tool.

Ej grabbed the bag from Carlos holding it far away from him. He wasn't going to let him ruin this event.

"Sabotage isn't the zombie way! It's not who we are. It's not who you are." He exclaimed turning to Ricky.

He was surprised that Ricky would encourage such terrible behavior. Ej knew Ricky was upset with everyone treating Zombies poorly but sabotage? That wasn't Ricky.

"I'm not a monster, I'm a zombie. You're a cheerleader. You're not gonna change the world through sabotage. You change the world through cheer."

Ricky stared into his eyes nodding his head. How could the thought of sabotage even enter his brain. Never in his life would he do that, especially not during Cheer Championships.

"Okay, um, so no sabotage?" Carlos asked hoping he would get his tools back.

"No sabotage, Carlos." Ricky laughed. "That's not who I am, and that's not who we are."

He smiled up at Ej who smiled back at him grabbing his hand.

"East High is up next!" The announcer said over the speaker.

"Come on! Let's go!" Nini squealed running off. She was very excited to be at her first Cheer Championship event.

The others laughed before following behind her. Even if they didn't like Jack they still had to support their school.

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i changed the sabotage scene a little because i don't like how addison just comes out of nowhere and joins the conversation lol. hope you enjoyed this chapter
- caswen4life

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