- eleven -

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"This is going to be great! Look at us, here...in zombie town! My mom totally won't kill me!" Gina exclaimed nervously. "Are you scared?"

"No I can't say that I am. I'm actually pretty excited." Ricky told her smiling.

"Oh, great." She let out a nervous breath.

The two cheerleaders made it to the barrier entrance where they saw Ej. "You guys ready for some fun?" He asked as the cheerleaders approached him.

"Yup, and I'm totally not freaked out at all." Gina smiled awkwardly looking around.

"You're gonna love this." Ej said to her as he held his hand out to Ricky, who happily grabbed it.

"Let's do this." Ricky said and Ej nodded. They walked into zombie town as Ej began to give a mini tour of the area. They got into an elevator and Ej pressed the button going up.

As they waited in the elevator the zombie grabbed his wrist in pain rubbing it. Ricky quickly noticed.

"Are you okay? You don't look so hot." The male cheerleader asked concerned.

"Ouch." Ej put his hand to his chest pretending to be hurt. He didn't want Ricky to worry about him.

"No, you know what I meant." Ricky laughed causing Ej's heart to flutter.

Gina rolled her eyes smiling at the two. "Can you guys not flirt in front of me." She said.

Ricky stuck his tongue out at his friend and she mimicked him. "But Ricky's right, your wrist is red dude." Gina pointed out.

"Um I have to mess with my z-band to win games." He admitted to the two.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Ricky questioned getting a closer look at Ej's irritated wrist.

"Ricky if I don't win zombies will never be accepted."

Ricky understood where Ej was coming from. He just wanted him to be safe and not hurt himself.

The doors to the elevator creaked opened revealing the party. Colored lights flashing everywhere, fog floated in the air and zombies were dancing everywhere.

Ricky and Gina's jaws had dropped to the floor. They have never been to a party like this.

"Are you serious!" Gina exclaimed as she looked around.

Ej smiled at them as he greeted a couple of his zombie friends.

"So this whole celebration is for you winning football games?" Ricky asked.

"It's more than that. It's a win for all of us, and we really needed a win."

Nini was walking around with Ashlyn and Kourtney trying to find Ej. She really hoped her brother had convinced the two cheerleaders to come, mostly Gina.

When she spotted them at the entrance she ran up to them, jumping in Gina's arm. "I'm so glad you could make it!" She told Gina wrapping her arms around her.

She quickly greeted her brother and Ricky before stealing Gina away. Ricky and Ej stood by themselves in silence, this is the first time they were able to hang out without Jack breathing down their necks. Ej caught Ricky gazing over at the zombie tongue wall.

"We have a rich language, twenty three different words for brains." Ej spoke up.

"So, you like a girl with brains?" Ricky joked causing Ej to laugh.

"Actually I prefer boys with brains. If it wasn't obvious already." He said looking at Ricky who was blushing.

"He said he likes boys with brains." Ricky gushed. "I'm a boy, and I have a brain! Do you think he likes me?"

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