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It was time for the pep rally, and Ricky was really hoping to see Ej today. Although he had a small feeling Ej and his friends wouldn't come. They weren't even allowed to leave the basement anyways.

"Obviously he's not coming, I knew he wouldn't." Ricky sighed looking out the door only to be disappointed.

"Ej's not coming. I mean, zombies at a pep rally would be serious drama."

Gina nudged Ricky getting his attention. "Hey you may wanna check this out."

"There's zombies at the pep rally!" Seb yelled.

Gina and Ricky both look at the camera with a huge smile on their faces before running over to see.

The three cheerleaders stuck their heads out the door to see not only Ej and his friend, but other zombies.

"They wouldn't dare." Jack gasped popping up next to them. "Lily, Howie, Antoine, bust out the spirit sticks." Jack ordered with an evil grin.

Ricky, Seb and Gina looked at each other nervously, wondering what Jack could be planning this time.
"I can't believe you dragged us out here to see Cheery McCheerstein." Carlos whined as the zombies found their seats.

A bunch of human students stared at them in different ways. Some stared in shocked, some in fear, others in complete disgust. But they were used to it by now. Nini was a little uneasy about all the looks and made sure to stick close to her brother.

"I'm gonna be sick, do I look green? Greener than usual?" Carlos asked Kourtney and they all rolled their eyes.

"Carlos you seriously need to calm down." Ashlyn told him.

Music started playing and the cheerleaders ran out shaking their pompoms. Ej and Nini search the floor trying to find Ricky and Gina. Once they spot them a smile grows on both their faces and they don't take their eyes off them.

"Jack, Jack, Jack!" The crowd chanted.

Jack makes his grand entrance by flipping onto the middle of the floor, making the crowd go wild.

"Welcome to the East High cheer rally!" Jack said getting the crowd hyped up.

Zombies have never done anything like this so they just followed what the humans did. When the humans clapped, the Zombies followed. When the humans cheered the Zombies followed.

"It is gonna be a great year, we are gonna win the State Cheer Championship...again!"

Carlos stood there with his arms crossed. He would rather be anywhere else other than a stupid school pep rally.

"Come on Carlos ease up, cheer is contagious." Nini said as she clapped.

"So is pink eye." He rolled his eyes.

The music started playing again and the cheerleaders did their cheer routine. Ej's eyes never left Ricky, wherever he moved his eyes followed.

"Let's turn up the heat!" Jack yelled. "Let everyone see them for who they really are. Monsters!"

Most of the cheerleaders grabbed a spirit stick waving the fiery stick around. To the humans this looked cool. To the zombies well, they were scared for their life.

Zombies and fire don't mix, some zombies aren't that scared but others, like Nini, are terrified.

Ej turned to his little sister holding her close to him. "Hey don't worry about it. A little fire isn't gonna hurt us." Ej reassured her.

"Fire!" She screamed as she starts hyperventilating.

She needed to leave, she needed to run. She couldn't be in the same room as fire.

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