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Ej snuck around the corners of the school, dodging windows, teachers and officers. He peeked around the corner and saw the coast was clear. "Hm, no one's out here."

What he didn't see was a short metal rack filled with pamphlets. Ej banged the side of his ankle on it hard, causing him to groan and limp in pain.

To any zombie it would look like he was hurt, but to a human they would see a vicious brain eating zombie. And that's exactly what one girl saw on her way back to class.

"Rogue zombie!" She screamed before pulling the Zombie alarm and running away.

"Wait no it's completely fine!"

But it was too late. Students ran out of their classrooms shrieking at the sight of Ej. Did he really look that scary?

"There! Zombie!" A group of guys yelled pointing at Ej.

Ej stood there with wide eyes. "Oh boy." He turned around running through the halls trying to find a safe place to hide.

Ricky was also trying to find a safe place to hide, dragging a very terrified Seb behind him. He knew the exact place to go in a situation like this. The zombie safe room.

"Okay, I know this is scary, Seb, but there's a zombie safe room right there, it's fine." He reassured his new friend.

Seb nodded his head as he sees the zombie safe room. Ricky thought he finally got the boy to calm down, that was until Seb let out a random scream and ran away.

Ricky called out for him to come back but he was long gone. What Ricky didn't know was that the cause of all this commotion just entered the zombie safe room

A bunch of guys ran passed him, talking about getting a zombie. Ricky rolled his eyes, does no one remember the zombie drill?!

He walked into the zombie safe room making sure the door locked behind him. The room was dark and cold, Ricky thought he was safe, until he heard shuffling in the back of the room.

"Hello?" Ricky said cautiously.

Nothing. Ricky knew he heard something, and he was ready to attack whatever was in there with him.

"Hello?" Ricky said again walking towards the back of the room slowly.

"Why, hello." Ej said in a flirty tone.

Okay he knew it was another person in here, but who?

"Don't get any ideas, buster. The only thing more deadly than my high kick is my low kick." He threatened.

"Sorry, this just isn't how I was
expecting my first day at a new school to go."

"You weren't expecting to be trapped in a zombie safe room?" Ricky asked.

"Oh no, that I expected, happens to me all the time. It's sort of my thing." Ej said making Ricky laugh.

"So I'm not gonna get low kicked?" He asked hopefully.

"You're safe, for now." Ricky jokes.

Ricky thought that this guy wasn't so bad. The only thing Ej was thinking about was how cute this boy sounded.

"Good, cause today's a big day. I'm trying out for the football team." He said walking around.

"Well we're both having big days.
I'm trying out for the cheer squad." Ricky said excitedly

"That's a tough gig to get."

"Yeah but I love it. My parents have had me in cheer camp since forever." Ricky said walking closer to mystery person.

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