- fifteen -

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The team was counting on Ej to get them that winning touchdown. Could he even do it without his Z-band? Well, he was about to find out. "I can still do this. Even as regular old me, I can do this."

"Hut!" The quarterback yelled.

And Ej ran. He ran as fast as he could until he was open. The quarterback set his arm back and threw the ball as hard as he could, hoping it would get to Ej.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion. The ball flying through the air, the crowd jumping up and down.

The ball was heading right to Ej, he put his hands out reaching for the ball as it fell right into his hands. The crowd cheered as the he ran towards the end zone.

Ej was fast, but without his Z-band he wasn't zooming like the flash. Ej could feel someone behind him, but he was so close to the end. He could do this, he could win for his team!

Before his feet could get past the end zone, a pair of arms hooked around his waist pulling him down. He was tackled to the ground, other players from the opposing team jumped on top of him. The bleachers filled with Wildcat fans gasped.

The referee ran over to the pile only able to see Ej's arm over the line, the arm holding the ball. making the winning touchdown.

The referee blew the whistle showing the arm signal for safe. "Touchdown! The Wildcats wins the game!" The announcer cheers over the speaker.

Ej could feel something wrong, something different. He felt more aggressive, more hungry for something specific. Brains. His veins were pulsing out his arms and neck, he was growling.

He pushed the players off of him making them fly in the air. He stood up, walking towards the bleachers. Everyone started screaming, and running for their lives.

Ashlyn, Carlos and Kourtney watched everything unfold from the bleachers. They looked at each other than down at Nini.

"I need to go take care of this." Nini told Ricky, Gina and Seb before running towards her brother.

"Guys we have to help her!" Ricky said but Gina held him back.

"We can't interfere with this Ricky. It's not safe for us."

"Okay, excuse me!" Carlos yelled as he and his friends made their way down the bleachers.

As they caught up with Nini the four Zombies started to feel different. The only thing that they could think of was brains.
Jack and his minions met up as everyone was running for their lives. "My plan's working!" Jack grinned taking all the credit. "I thought of everything."

Lily, Howie and Antoine just rolled their eyes knowing they were the ones who did the most work.

"Great, so how do we stop the monster from eating our brains?" Lily questioned pointing over Jack's shoulder.

The cheer captain turned around seeing a group of very hungry Zombies staring at them.

"Didn't think of that." He squeaked before running off leaving his fateful cheer assistants alone. They all screamed before scattering off as the Zombies chased after them.

Jack thought he would be safe under the bleachers. He slowly walked in, making sure no Zombies were lurking under there. A sudden grunt was heard behind him, causing him to spin around quickly.

There stood a very angry and hungry Ej. Jack tried to turn away and run but slipped, struggling to get back on his feet. Now in this moment Jack wished he had just left the Zombies alone.

He accepted his fate and just closed his eyes going into a fetal position. At least he was well known before he died.

Before Ej could get a bite out of Jack the Z-patrol had already found him, tasing him in the back. The electricity ran through Ej's body, to his Z-band, switching back online.

Ej looked around once he was back to his normal self. He was out of breath and a little dizzy. He couldn't believe he let it get this far, all for a game. Not long after, Ricky came running in to Ej's side.

"Ej, there you are! Take my hand, everything will be okay." Ricky said as he grabbed Ej's hand. "Just listen to me-"

The Z-patrol officers snatched Ej's hands back handcuffing him. Ricky looked at the officers in disbelief.

"No, no, no! Why are you taking him?" He questioned as the officers dragged a confused and still wobbly Ej away.

"No, please!" Ricky begged as he followed the officers and Ej. When they got out from under the bleachers, Z-patrol trucks were parked outside ready to take the Zombies. Nini, Ashlyn, Kourtney and Carlos were handcuffed as well.

Ricky's dad and Gina's mom stood near one of the trucks on duty. When he saw his son following too close behind the officers, he stepped in.

"Ricky stay back this is too dangerous!" Mike exclaimed as he grabbed his son's arm.

"No!" He raged pulling his arm away. "These are my friends!"

"We don't have human friends!" Carlos cried, tears streaming down his face.

Carlos was wrong, he did have human friends. Ricky was his friend! He had to fix this somehow.

Gina, Seb and Big Red ran up to the trucks as well. "Mom you can't take them away!" Gina cried out.

Ms. Porter just ignored her daughter and helped get the Zombies in the truck. Nini looked back at Gina with tears in her eyes. She was embarrassed she had to see this happen to her.

"We told you Ricky, Zombies are not safe!" Mike scolded. "Give them an inch... and they'll bite your face off!"

"Hey! That's my kids you're talking about!" Mr. Caswell cut in angrily.

"I suggest you move along Mr. Caswell." Ms. Jenn stepped in with two armed officers behind her.

Cash took a step back looking at his son. Ej looked away from his father, he knew this had to hurt him. Seeing his children be taken away by Zombie Patrol. He then looked at Ricky, he hated seeing him cry.

"Ricky, I'm sorry." Ej apologized trying not to cry. "Maybe they're right...maybe we shouldn't be together."

"What? No, don't say that!" Ricky disagreed. Before Ej could say anything else he was being pulled towards the truck.

All of a sudden the crowd started to boo. Some of the Zombies that were in the bleachers were getting kicked out and having trash thrown at them. Ricky couldn't bare to see it.

"Hey!" He yelled getting the people's attention. "You did this to him, all of you! You made him feel like he had to risk his life to belong! Because you couldn't deal with someone different! But you had no problem using him to win your stupid games!"

The crowd was quiet you could tell some of them felt a little bad, but other just scoffed because they didn't care at all. If the Zombies were being treated unfairly because they were different then Ricky would have to be treated unfairly too.

Ricky glanced over at his friends and family before raising his hand to the top of his head. He could hear his mother gasp in the background, but he didn't care if he disappointed her. He swiftly pulled off his brunette wig revealing his true white curls.

The crowd stared at Ricky in disgust as the booed him, Mrs. Bowen cried into her husbands shoulder as he comforted her and of course, Ricky's friends cheered him on.

Ricky turned back to look at Ej who gave him a huge smile before getting pushed into the truck. Ricky would find a way to see Ej again soon. Now all he needed to do was deal with the stares.

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hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
- caswen4life

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