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Ricky paced back and forth in the hallway trying to hold back his tears. He stopped in front of the glass case, filled with cheer trophies.

"I can't believe Jack would tell them I'm different!" Ricky scoffed walking back and forth.

"And I know he wasn't referring to me talking to Zombies."

Ricky stopped pacing as his eyes began to water. "Sometimes it doesn't feel like we're family.

Ej turned the corner spotting Ricky, seeing him upset made Ej upset, and angry. He walked over to him thinking of what to say.

"Ah, ze perfect picnic spot." Ej said in a terrible French accent.

Ricky looked to his side smiling at Ej holding the apple flower Ashlyn and Kourtney had made for him. He took it from him smiling.

"Sorry I couldn't sit with you at lunch. I wanted to, it's just-"

"I get it." Ej stoped him from explaining. "Someday maybe."

Ricky smiled at Ej before turning around to walk up the stairs with Ej following close behind him.

"Thanks for saving me at the pep rally." Ricky spoke up.

"No problem, it really worked out for everyone. You didn't break a bone and now I'm on the football team!" Ej said making them both laugh.

He was about to start living out his childhood dream! "And if things go well zombies will be more accepted, which means Nini can try out for the cheer squad and we could also like, hang out in public." Ej nudged Ricky shoulder.

"Wouldn't that be something." Ricky smiled. He wondered who Nini was, hopefully not his girlfriend "Um who's Nini?"

"Oh she's my little sister. She wanted to try out for the cheer squad but you know, zombies weren't allowed to leave the basement." He said disappointedly.

"Don't worry, I'll get Jack to let her on the team."

Ricky knew that might be impossible but Nini is important to Ej, and anyone important to Ej was important to Ricky too.

"Really? Thank you so much she would really appreciate that."

Ricky smiled as they continued to walk around the halls in silence.

"This town, this school it's hard not fitting in." Ricky said annoyed.

Ej smiled rolling his eyes. "Well, how would you know? You're perfect."

Ricky is perfect in Ej's eyes, just look at him. He has an adorable smile, he can cheer and do a bunch of cool tricks, his mom is the mayor, and let's not forget he's a human.

"It's a wig." Ricky said touching his head. "My real hair is freakish and I can't change it." He looked down at the floor.

Ej couldn't tell if the boy was joking, but from the way Ricky wasn't looking at him made him think he wasn't. "Well, can I see it?" The football player asked.

"Never!" Ricky said stepping back. Ej also stepped back, not meaning to make the boy yell.

"Sorry, my parents always made me cover my hair, but it's a good thing they did 'cause I'm on the squad now and I fit in."

As Ej was about to say something they heard teachers walking towards them. Ricky quickly grabbed Ej's hand and ran into the zombie safe room.

"Hey, this is where we first met." Ricky laughed remembering the day.

"This is where we had our first punch." Ej joked playfully punching Ricky in the arm.

He remembered that part very clearly, he still felt really bad about punching Ej's pretty face.

Ej smiled and grabbed Ricky's hand, spinning him around as they danced around the room. Even though there was no music they were still dancing imagining the music in their own little world.

Ricky sat up on the table while Ej stood in between his legs. They intertwined their fingers together pressing their foreheads against one another's.

The two boys were inches apart, their noses brushed against the other making Ricky blush. Both boys wanted nothing more but to share a kiss.

Ej started to lean in and Ricky followed but before anything else could happen the bell rung causing them to jump apart.

"Can't we just stay in here, forever? Ej mumbled putting his head on Ricky's shoulder.

Ricky ran his fingers through Ej's green hair. "I really wish we could."

Ej stands up straight grabbing his bag as Ricky turned off all the lights.

"I'll be able to show you off, someday." Ricky sighed grabbing Ej's hand as they walked out together.

People started walking through the halls and the two boys immediately spilt

"Good luck at the football game." Ricky said looking around before kissing Ej on his cheek.

"Yeah, thanks, it'll be awesome." He said with the biggest smile on his face.

If Ej was alive and had blood running through him he would be as red as a tomato. He ran down the hallway in excitement and Ricky watched him shaking his head. He was so lucky.

Ej stared off into the distance with the biggest smile on his face.

"I really, really like him." Was all Ej was able to get out at the moment.

|848 words|
- caswen4life

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