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It was time for cheer tryouts, everyone was in the gym talking amongst each other.

"Cheer tryouts, one of my favorite reasons to be back at school." Jack beamed.

"I need to recruit people who are as good as me, maybe even better!" He paused before bursting into laughter. "Oh who am I kidding, no one is better than me."

"Okay let's go! Line up." Jack yell blowing his whistle.

Everyone did as they were told rushing into a straight line.

"Welcome to cheerleading tryouts. It's nice to see so many wannabes. I mean, i'd wanna be me too, if I wasn't already on the cheer squad." He says laughing at his own joke.

Everyone else starts to laugh too, until Bucky stops making everyone else stop laughing. Anything Jack does everyone will follow.

"You need to bring it, okay? Like my assistant captains." He says. "We have Lily, Howie, and Antoine!" He introduced them as everyone gave them a round of applause.

"Today's tryouts are going to be easy. The hardest thing you'll have to do is a back handspring, funky chicken, round-off match table split with a robot down powering finish."

Everyone looked nervous, except Ricky. He was confident he would make the team. Ricky raised his hand as a question came to mind.

"Yes, Ricky?" His cousin called on him.

"Captain Jack, was that funky chicken cajun or shake-n-bake?" The curly haired boy questioned.

"Well, I've never heard of cajun, so spice it up." He tells him.

Ricky and Seb stood in front of the camera, both having different expressions on their face.

"Tryouts are gonna be easy today. Seb and I are definitely making the team." Ricky stated proudly before turning to his friend. "Right Seb?"

Seb just smiled and nodded his head as the camera zoomed in on his face. "Yup we are both totally making the team." He said before mouthing the word 'help'.
"The Wildcats don't think small. Cheers until it hurts." Jack said blowing into his whistle. The cheer tryouts have begun.
After a lot, and I mean a lot of people got cut, Jack had the remaining people do one last thing.

"You guys got moves, but can you win over a crowd?" Jack asked walking in front of a giant sheet hanging up. "Get them to worship you, like they worship me!"

The sheet dropped and a crowd of people appeared cheering loudly.

"Ricky I can't do this! Jack is never gonna let me on the team" Seb panicked. "I'm never gonna be a flyer."

He ran over to the crowd of people sitting on a bench looking upset. Ricky felt bad for him, they were supposed to join the team together.

A nervous looking girl was pushed out first. She didn't know what to do so she just froze. The crowd started booing her which made her start crying.

That poor girl! People are so harsh. Ricky thought to himself, but he had to focus on the tryouts.

Next up was another girl with curly hair. She ran out doing a cartwheel into a backflip making the crowd go wild.

"Welcome! You are now a Wildcat." Jack congratulated the girl, giving her poms poms.

She accepted her poms poms running back over to the others.
"Good luck." She said as she passed by Ricky.

Now it was Ricky's turn, he thought he would make up a chant and a little dance to go with it. That should excite the crowd.

"We are the Wildcats, it's time to show you now. We got the stuff to light you up, it's getting hotter now.We're getting hotter now, it's getting hotter now!" He chants as the crowd claps to a beat.

To add bonus points Ricky stood on the bench next to Seb and flipped off it making a perfect landing.

The whole crowd was on their feet jumping and cheering. Jack went up to Ricky handing him his pom poms. "Welcome, you're now a wildcat, wear colors of pride."

"Thank you so much!" Ricky exclaimed hugging his cousin.

"Congratulations you were amazing out there." The girl from earlier said to Ricky "I'm Gina." she introduced herself.

"I'm Ricky and thanks! Congrats to you too, your flips were outstanding." He complimented her.

Ricky looked back at Seb who was looking at him with a sad smile on his face. Ricky had to think of a way to get his friend on the team. Seb's dream is to be a flyer and Ricky wants his dreams to come true.

"Hey best cousin in the world." Ricky said getting Jack's attention. "Seb over there has great moves and serious pep." He pointed over to his friend.

Jack turned his gaze to Seb before laughing. "Ricky he couldn't finish the last part of the tryouts. Salt Lake is all about perfection. He can't hide it under a wig like some people." Jack said patting Ricky's head.

Ricky looked around him cautiously before shaking off what his cousin said. "Jack come on, pretty please?" He begged giving his best puppy dog eyes. No one could say no to them.

He glared at him before rolling his eyes giving. He turned to Seb calling him over. "Seb!"

Seb looked up in shock seeing Jack was calling him over. He quickly walked over to him looking nervous.

"You have some real..." He looks over at Ricky who's smiling and nodding his head before turning back to Seb. "potential, ha"

Seb just stared at Bucky not understanding where this conversation was going.

"You made the squad, as a stand in." Jack finally said.

"So I'm on the team?" Seb asked to which Jack nodded his head.

"I'm in! I'm on the team. I made it!" Seb shouts hugging Ricky.

Seb and Ricky were on the team! Along with Gina, who Ricky could tell was going to be a great new friend.

Jack speaks up getting everyone's attention. "Change is upon us now that zombies have entered our school."

Ricky rolled his eyes at his cousin as he went into another talk about how bad zombies are.

"Cheer is being threatened, so are you ready to protect it? The cheer initiation begins tonight!"

Cheer initiation? That couldn't be good. Ricky looked at Seb and Gina, what were they getting themselves into?

hope you all are enjoying the story so far. :)
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- caswen4life

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