- thirteen -

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Jack and his minions had come up with a way to get Ashlyn's computer. They just had to be nice to her for a couple seconds, that couldn't be too hard.

"A spa day, all of us." Howie smiled. "We have been so wrong about Zombies this whole time.

"Yeah with a little concealer and some blush you could look...cute." Lily added trying to sound convincing.

Ashlyn didn't care if the last part was rude, humans actually wanted to hang out with her! She's been practicing what to say if any human asked her to hang out.

As she was distracted by Howie and Lily, Antoine snuck behind her searching through her bag.

"Oh my gosh you guys are so kind. I would love to hang out sometime! Any day works for me." Ashlyn smiled from ear to ear.

Antoine finally found the item he was looking for and quietly backed out of the room. That was the two cheerleader's cue to go.

"On second thought never mind." Lily said walking away.

"Maybe another time." Howie lied following the blonde girl.

Ashlyn sat there sad and embarrassed, how could she ever let some human trick her like that.

"Hey." A cheery voice said.

Ashlyn looked up and saw Big Red standing before her. She tried to force a smile on her face. "Hey Red."

"Um- Are you okay?"

Ashlyn scoffed as she started packing her things in her bag not realizing her computer was missing. "Yeah I'm great. Pretty sure I got asked to hang out as a joke."

"Oh." Big Red said not sure how to comfort the Zombie girl.

This was Big Red and Ashlyn's first proper conversation. They only really exchanged 'hey' and 'what's up' in the hallways from time to time.

The red haired boy sat next to Ashlyn trying to come up with the right words to say. "Well if they were joking with you, then they are really missing out. You're fun to hang out with!"

Ashlyn smiled as her cheeks started to heat up. She would be lying if she said she didn't think Big Red was cute.

"You really think so?" She questioned looking over at him.

He gave her a toothy smile and nodded his head. "I know so, and if you still don't believe me we're going to hang out this weekend!"

Ashlyn stood up to her feet excited. "Really?! This is so exciting!" She exclaimed.

Big Red chuckled watching her dance around in excitement. Big Red thought she looked so beautiful in that moment. Maybe one day he'd have the courage to tell her how he really felt.

Ej had ran back home, pacing around his bedroom. He was contemplating on if it was a good idea to switch his Z-band to the right. Ashlyn told him not to, but maybe she was wrong about this one thing.

"I know Ash told me not to swipe right... but what's the worse that could happen?" Ej laughed nervously looking at his Z-band.

"This is gonna hurt."

Ej counted down from three before switching his Z-band to the right. He fell to the floor screaming in pain, his whole body felt like it was on fire. His pale skin was gaining color, he could feel blood flowing through his body and... a heart beat?
Jack and his minions were still at school trying to hack into Ashlyn's computer. Well, more Lily was doing all the work while Howie and Antoine goofed off and Jack got his weekly massage.

After getting blocked by a firewall Lily was able to get in. "The software's corrupted! I'm in!" She cheered causing them all to crowd her.

Jack grabbed the computer from her hands smirking at the screen. Now how could he ruin the Zombies life with this computer.

Ricky was freaking out right now. Ej had texted him saying he was coming to pick him up. The cheerleader got ready quickly before rushing downstairs pacing in front of the door.

"This is it. This is the last time I'm ever going to see Ej!" Ricky freaked out trying to control his breathing.

"My parents are going to freak once they see him standing at their front door!"

"Mom, Dad, there's something you need to know about the boy." Ricky spoke up.

His parents walked up to him nodding their heads. "Okay now we're getting somewhere." His dad said.


"He's here!" His mom cheered fixing her hair before walking to the door with her husband who was fixing his suit.

Ricky panicked, he wasn't prepared for this to happen! He was hoping he would have a couple more months.

"Whoa! You don't want to open that!" Ricky scrambled to the door blocking it before his parents could get to it.

"Ricky don't be ridiculous, where are your manners." Lynn scolded moving her son out of the way.

"Okay fine, open it." Ricky sighed.

His parents open the door to be met with Ej. Ricky turned away closing his eyes preparing for his parents rage. "Yes, my date to the Homecoming game is-"

"Handsome." His mother stated smiling at the young man standing in front of her.


"He's very dashing." Mike added.

Dashing? Did his parents just compliment Ej, who's a Zombie? Ricky turned around walking to the door. His jaw had dropped as he made eye contact with Ej.

It was Ej in front of him, but some things were different. His beautiful green eyes were the same, but his green hair had changed to black and his pale skin was more tanned. He looked human.

Ej could see the confusion and shock on the young cheerleader's face. He knew he had millions of questions.

"So, how do you know my son." Mike spoke up going into protective dad mode.

"Well he's a cheerleader and I'm on the football team." Ej said confidently.

"Oh really." His dad said, his stern tone shifting into a bubbly one. "I used to play a little ball myself, I was a full back."

"Get out, I'm a full back!"

The two males continued to talk about their love for football. Ricky couldn't take it anymore, he's glad his parents meeting Ej went well but he wanted him to himself now.

"We have to get to the homecoming game." Ricky interrupted.

He pushed past his parents grabbing Ej's hand and dragging him down the driveway. His parents watched from the door happily. They were glad their son found a nice man.

Once they were far from the house Ricky punched Ej in the arm. The taller boy winced in pain holding his arm. "What was that for?"

"How did you do this?" Ricky questioned, he sounded more excited then mad.

"I adjusted my z-band! I can feel the energy coursing through my bones right now!" The football player exclaimed.

Ricky thought Ej looked handsome as a human, but he was always handsome as a Zombie, and Ricky liked him better that way.

"Hey we still have time before the game." Ej stated putting an arm around Ricky's shoulder. "I owe you a real date."

"A date!" Ricky squealed and Ej laughed.

They could finally go on a proper date. Somewhere nice and not in a janitors closet. They were both excited.

|1213 words|
- caswen4life

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