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Nini and Ej walked to their friend Carlos' house. They have known Carlos since they were 11 and 12.

They knocked on the door waiting for him to come out. Finally the door opened and Carlos stormed right passed them.

"I can't believe we have have to spend five days a week around humans now!" He yelled.

"Well good morning to you too." Nini says.

He looks back at his friends with a sorry look. "Sorry, guys but you know how I feel about them."

Ej put his arm around his friend's shoulder as they start to walk to school. "Maybe humans aren't that bad Carlos. I mean look, they're letting us go to their school!"

"Well I still think they are terrible." He says crossing his arms.

Oh well, he tried. They walked past the barrier along with the other Zombies kids making their way into Salt Lake. They were met with Ashlyn, Ej and Nini's cousin, and their other friend Kourtney.

"Hey guys! Ready to start our first day at an actual school?" Ashlyn ask excitedly.

"I'm super excited, but also nervous. I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Nini said.

"You'll be fine Neeners! You got this, we all got this." Kourtney encourages us.

When the group got to the school they were met with an iron gate separating the humans and the zombies. This wasn't really a surprise, the humans think zombies are dirty and carry diseases.

"Why do they think they're so much better then us?" Carlos ask glaring at them.

Nini and Ej both shrug and look away, but Ej catches something, someone, a boy. His curly brown hair flows in the wind as if he's walking in slow motion.

Ej's stomach does backflips and his heart starts beating faster. He walks in the school not even noticing Ej. It's the first day and he's already falling for someone, and it's a human.

"Wait so they can walk in the school freely but we have to get checked by security?" Kourtney asked noticing how there wasn't a long line on the human side.

Carlos rolled his eyes. "Of course they don't, it's so unfair!"

"Another reason why I hate humans, not only are they spoiled brats but they treat us so different!" Carlos crossed his arms glaring at the camera.

"I'm glad my grandpa tried to bite one of their ears off."

While Carlos and Kourtney complained Nini was jumping up and down in excitement. She couldn't wait to try out for the cheer squad.

"Do you guys think i'll make the team?" She asked. "I've been practicing all summer!"

One of the guards noticed Nini's excitement and put her hand on her taser. This zombie had lots of energy, there's probably something wrong with the z-band.

"Nini you're going to make the team I can feel it-" Ashlyn was cut off by the guard pushing past her to grab Nini's arm.

"Do we need to take a trip downtown?" The guard asked aggressively.

Nini trembled looking up at the guard scared. Ej quickly jumped in front of his sister putting his hand on the guard's arm.

"No officer, we're all good." Ej just slapped a smile on so the guard wouldn't feel threatened.

She gave them a disgusted look before letting go of Nini's arm. The zombie girl froze in place, she didn't know what she did wrong. The guard soon checked all of their bags and let them inside the school.

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