- eighteen-

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"Put your hands together for our defending champions. The Wildcats!" The announcer cheered over the speaker.

The Wildcats walked out on to the floor in their starting position. The crowd was filled with confused faces and whispers as there were only six cheerleaders out and not a full team. The music started and there was Jack front and center, as always.

A girl was thrown up into the air by one catcher instead of two. As she came down she fell right on top of her catcher, causing them both to tumble to the floor. Another guy fell as he tripped over them.

"Seconds in and East High is literally falling apart." The announcer laughed into the microphone.

The crowd joined in on the laughter, most of them booing from the stands.

"What's that sound?" Jack mumbled looking around at all the people. He could feel his heart racing, beads of sweat falling from his forehead.

"I think they're...booing us." Howie gasped.

Jacks eyes widen as people started heckling at him. "Get off the stage Jack." He heard someone yell.

Ricky frowned from the sidelines. Although Jack was a terrible person he was still his cousin, and couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"I can't watch this anymore." Nini said before pulling a plug. This plug must have been important because it cut off all the power causing the lights to go out.

Carlos stared in disbelief. He could have just done that to sabotage this whole thing. Nini ran to the floor picking up some pom poms that were left on the ground.

"Let's go East High Cheer!" Nini cheered shaking the pom poms.

Everyone started booing again but Nini didn't care. She shook it off and continued to cheer.

Gina's eyes widened as she realized it was Nini on the floor. She looked down at the sidelines where she saw Ricky and the other Zombies. Without saying a word Gina grabbed Seb and Big Red's arms pulling them down the stands and to the others.

"G-O, Go! Go Wildcats, go!"

"What is she doing?" Kourtney questioned as she watched her friend with a concerned face.

"She's changing things... by cheering." Ricky smiled as realization struck him.

"But that's not how change works. You can't just change things with one person and a pair of pom poms." Carlos laughed looking over at him.

"Yeah, you're right. It's gonna take more than just one person." Ej said, turning around just as Gina, Seb and Big Red made their way over to them. "It's gonna take all of us."

"Zombies celebrate their differences. So let's go out there and celebrate. Cheer championship style. You guys in?" Ricky asked with a grin on his face.

They all nodded their heads smiling at each other. "Wait what did I just agree to?" Big Red asked.

"You'll see, come on!" Ricky exclaimed walking off to other side of the cheer floor where Jack stood.

Ej stepped back when he noticed Carlos not moving, he looked like he was in deep thought. Ej gave him a little nudge with his elbow snapping Carlos out of it.

"What's on you mind?" Ej questioned.

Carlos sighed before looking up at Ej. "So this is our revolution?" He asked.

Ej nodded his head. "Yeah, this is our revolution."

He groaned rolling his eyes. "Okay, but does it have to be cheer?"

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