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"So you work for Ricky's Dad, who's head of the Zombie Patrol? How did I not know this?" Gina questioned.

Ricky had zoned out awhile thinking back to the zombie mash. Him and Ej almost kissed! Ej's lips were inches away from his!

"Ricky." Gina's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "We're here." Of course he thought about Ej for the entire car ride.

"Gina wait in the car, I'll take Ricky to the door." Terry ordered.

The two teens said their goodbyes before Ricky and Ms. Porter got out the car walking to Ricky's front door. Before Ms. Porter could ring the doorbell the door swung open. Both Ricky's parents stood at the door with a furious look on their face.

"I'll just be on my way-"

"Richard Michael Bowen you snuck out!" Lynn yelled. "Do you know how dangerous it is out there?"

Ms Porter took this opportunity to walk back slowly from the situation. She did have her daughter waiting in the car for her.

"I'm gonna go, Chief." Terry told Mike, but he stopped her from going.

Gina had put the window down to hear what was going on. "This town is full of monstrous zombies! What were you up to?" Ricky's mother asked.

What was he supposed to say? That he was out with a boy? He wasn't even out to his parents yet!

"I...I was." Screw it. What more trouble could he get into to. "I was out with a boy."

Everyone had looked at him surprised. "Yup I was out, with a boy." Ricky repeated as he nervously rocked back and forth on his feet.

"Probably a good idea I just leave, Chief." Ms Porter said before she got stopped again by Mr. Bowen.

She had no idea why she couldn't leave. This was a family discussion and she just wanted to get home to her bed. Her shift had already ended.

"Now who exactly is this boy son?" His dad asked.

Ricky stayed quiet, he refused to answer that question. With his mom being the mayor and his dad being head of the Zombie Patrol they hated Zombies the most.

"Ricky you will not cheer and there will be no cheer championship until we meet this boy." Lynn said sternly causing everyone's jaw to drop.

"Mom!" Ricky whined as he crossed his arms like a child.

"Your mother is...right. We need to meet this boy Ricky, or you'll never...cheer again. Isn't that right Terry?"

All eyes were on Terry now. She smiled and slowly backed away again. "Goodnight guys." She said before speeding off to her car.

"This is not fair." Ricky mumbled storming up to his room.

"Look, I'm all for trampling the system and the opposing team but you've really gotta stop messing with your z-band." Ashlyn told her cousin.

"I love my cousins and I'd do anything for them, but hacking Ej's z-band for this long is super dangerous." Ashlyn said with a concerned look on her face.

"It's just one more game to get through Ash, then no more hacking my z-band."

Ashlyn looked at her cousin before  rolling her eyes. "Okay fine if you say so." Ashlyn said before closing her locker to go to class.

Ej had a free period so he went off to look for Ricky and apologize for last night. He hoped he would forgive him. As Ej ran off Lily, Howie and Antoine peaked out of a corner. They were listening to the Zombies whole conversation.

"Ej's cheating." Howie stated "He's been hacking his-"

"Watch." Antoine said confidently.

"No it's his z-band Antoine, keep up." Lily said annoyed.

Ej sped walked around the halls of East High trying to find a certain cheerleader. He turned the corner spotting him walking up the stairs.

"Ricky!" He called out running up to him. "I'm sorry about last night, I wanted to help when the zombie patrol arrived..."

"Ej." Ricky said trying to calm him down but Ej kept rambling.

"I was just...I was afraid! I didn't want to get caught-"

"Ej." Ricky said grabbing his hands. "It's not your fault."

Ej did feel really bad, he didn't mean to abandon Ricky like he did. He was scared, but he couldn't imagine how scared Ricky must have been.

"Well I'm glad you were able to get home safely." Ej said smiling down at their connected hands.

"Yeah, my parents found out I snuck out, so I told them I was with a boy." Ricky scoffed. "Now they won't let me cheer until they meet you."

He still couldn't believe his parents would take something that important away from him.

"I'll just win them over with my quick wit and charming smile." Ej said smiling at the boy making him blush.

"As much as I love that smile, it wouldn't work on my parents. They don't know you're a zombie Ej."

"And they hate zombies." Ej frowned. He knew even if he showed off his handsome smile Ricky's parents would still be disgusted.

"I'm so sorry." Ricky apologized looking down at the ground.

"No I'm sorry, for making things difficult for you." Ej gently grabbed Ricky's chin, lifting his head up.

"You haven't done anything wrong
besides being you." Ricky told him.

"Cheer is everything to me, I don't know where I would be without cheer." Ricky admitted. "But I can't have my parents thinking Zombies are wrong for doing nothing!"

"And I don't want Ej to ever apologize for being him."

"You know what? If my family can't accept zombies maybe I don't want to be a cheerleader." Ricky argued.

"But you love cheer. It's what makes you, you." Ej stated.

"I wish I could just flip a switch
and change everything, but I can't." Ricky sighed letting go of Ej's hands.

"I have to go, I'm late for class." He turned around walking up the stairs. Ej watched him until he disappeared.

"I wish I could just make things easier for Ricky. Just flip a switch to change everything." Ej said as he held his arm.

His face lit up as an idea popped into his head. He looked down at his z-band smiling.

"I can flip a switch." He said before running out of frame.

Jack was in the cheerleading room pacing back and forth. One question was running through his brain every second of the day. How was Ej winning these football game.

"Cheer spirits please send me a sign!" He cried dropping to his knees.

"Ej cannot keep winning these games! He's taking away my fame!" Jack shouted.

"I need a sign, I need to find a way to stop these Zombies."

The door slammed open as Jack's minions walked in. "We know how to stop Ej!" Lily smirked.

Jack looked back at the camera with an evil smirk. "The cheer spirits heard me."

"Ej's been hacking his zombie watch!" Antoine exclaimed getting a confused look from Jack and annoyed look from Howie and Lily.

"It's z-band! And Ashlyn is using her computer to do it!"

Jack knew he would figure it out. Now all they needed was a plan to steal Ashlyn's computer.

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